wrote on 17 Oct 2012, 14:28 last edited by
Thanks to everyone for your advice on how to get kobi to potty outside when the grass is wet or it is raining. I
walked her in the rain, and that did make her go vs trying to stand there and get her to go in the yard. Guess it
is harder to hold it when you are walking. lol. Also just for fun I started an agility class with her last night. She
loved it. She was actually smiling and I swear she was making a new noise I have never heard. She baroos all the
time but this noise was like literally a garbled laugh. And she did it while she was watching all the other dogs go
through the agility. My son and I had a heck of a time holdong her back, she was so excited. And when she went
she did awesome and wanted nothing more than to please me. She kept looking at me and smiling like she was
saying "Am I doing good mom" What a blast. She did a lure course run for the first time 2 weeks ago and what a blast
she had with that too. Does anyone know how I can get emails on different lure course events in different areas?
That way I can go to the ones by me. I went to an Ohio one 2 months ago, just to let her watch, and she made lots
of friends there. And the one that they actually talked me into letting her run last weekend was in my hometown
Michigan. She also has a baby Whippet sister who is 4 months now, that next year would be old enough to do
lure and agility also. Thanks again everyone. -
wrote on 17 Oct 2012, 15:29 last edited by
Go to the AKC.org site and look up the calendar for LC, it will tell you the clubs that host in your area and many of them have yahoo groups or face book pages where they list events. The same for the ASFA.org site. I am on the yahoo groups list for region 4, 5, and 6 for coursing, each region has its own yahoo group, so you have to join all of them. Normally once you enter a trial, the secretaries send you the premiums of upcoming events, but its good to look at the main AKc and ASFA sites to plan out your year as a lot of the events end up being on the same weekends. We have 3 events near Indianapolis next month if you are interested.
wrote on 17 Oct 2012, 15:48 last edited by
Hi Lisa
I will start checking signing up for the info. If you have the info on the Indianapolis events, that
would be great. She has only run twice and it was coursing in the field not racing. So I am not
sure she is ready to race. I have to get all the info on that, but I could still bring her to check
it out, and I know she will chase lure in the open field by herself, because she did it twice
last weekend. I was so scared Lisa that she would take off, since I have never had her off lead
before, but she ran it like she had been doing it her whole life. Never took her eyes off the lure
and never hesitated. They ran her right back into my arms. it was so exciting. -
wrote on 18 Oct 2012, 13:04 last edited by
You MUST take these noises and smiles for us! Your post has me grinning big.
Glad the advice worked for you. Sadly, not for Cara, an hour and nada. But she is now content to pee on the back porch so I just wash it 3 or 4 times a day when the ground is wet.
wrote on 18 Oct 2012, 14:31 last edited by
I will try to record her next time, it was hilarious. Only 1 person knew what kind of dog she was. Everyone
else was laughing and saying that is such a cool dog, what kind is she? And of course my Kobi is such a ham
she was eating it up, and performing for them. lol. I couldnt get her to baroo for them though, she does it
like crazy at home or if I sing to her. -
wrote on 19 Oct 2012, 01:14 last edited by
I will look for the links tomorrow for the lc ones. I will forward the racing one to you. She could try practice runs Sat
I will try to record her next time, it was hilarious. Only 1 person knew what kind of dog she was. Everyone
else was laughing and saying that is such a cool dog, what kind is she? And of course my Kobi is such a ham
she was eating it up, and performing for them. lol. I couldnt get her to baroo for them though, she does it
like crazy at home or if I sing to her.Well, you'll just have to suck up in front of the next crowd and sing your foolish song so she can show off her baroo! (if she only does it at home in the home, you can start practicing outside and in other environments and thus 'generalize' her baroo in other places.) Uzie makes really funny garbled sounds too when he plays with a specific dog who is very excitable. So when Uzie goes to 'punching' him and runs away, I hear this noise too. The first time I heard it, I was so proud!!!! Sounds like you are making her life as exciting as she deserves! Yeah!
wrote on 4 Nov 2012, 11:44 last edited by
Our friend Lissa has a boy who will howl when she plays a harmonica, just 1 note starts him, then most of the others join in. You might try a harmonica, small and easy to carry, if she will howl to that you can get her to do it anywhere!