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In need of a little assistance

Basenji Training
  • As already asked, have you talked to the breeder? What did the breeder say about "how" he was trained? You say he is biting now? Biting who and under what conditions? And is there a reason you have not had him neutered yet?

  • Do you feel like you have any control over Diesel? How does he behave on a leash Is he play biting or is it serious biting? When was the last time he went to a vet?

    We have mixed feelings about training classes but we do agree you have to find a way to get your dog focused on you in order to make progress. Even in a training class, we feel the trainer should be teaching you how to train your dog and not teaching the dog directly. If your dog never learns to respond to you and your commands is it doing much good?

    Is your dog Diesel food motivated? If he is, then maybe you can find a treat he really likes. If you find a treat he likes, then you can hold it over it back over his head and tell him to sit. If you are patient this will happen because the dog is looking up at the treat over his head while you are moving it backward. Sometimes you need to gently push down on their butt to give them the idea. When he sits, first pet then treat him. Repeat this no more than 5 times. Each time he sits Pet first, then reward him. Give this method a try over several days and let us know how it works. Once he gets in the habit, you will be able to get him to sit without giving him a treat every time. Concentrate on teaching him in short sessions and we bet you will find he is much more receptive.

  • I would recommend trying some one on one sessions with a good, positive trainer. I saw in your intro that you are in WI. I am in the Madison area and there are some pretty good places to train and many of the offer one on one sessions.

    Attention is something that can be taught. Training is the key to teaching your dog impulse control as well. There are also some very good books and videos out there that may help.

    I agree with other posters that trying clicker training and food based rewards with him might be a good way to start.
    Here is an article about capturing a behavior since you mentioned having trouble getting him to sit you might try this.

  • Try giving him his meals by hand and make him work for it. Wait with the food in your hand until he performs an action (possibly sit). Praise him and give him the food in your hand. Continue this throughout his meal. If you persist with this until he is paying some attention and continue the hand feeding for at least a fortnight you will find him giving much more attentive. Continue his training from there with help if you can find a suitable trainer..

  • Wow, thanks for all the input. I myself am in Eau Claire area. He started out nipping my little brothers and now whenever I show dominance he bites me.

    I've attempted to do some training away from the house but he is by far the most adhd dog i have ever met. Haha. Diesel wont eat out of my hand for some reason its like hes scared to?

    As far as his previous owner it was a guy who had custody of his two grandchildren and was handicapped so i have no idea. He was around a chihuahua and Pomeranian i believe

    Totally spaced on what else I was supposed to address. I cannot find a trainer to do one on one around here that isnt a complete wack job or even someone who knows what a basenji is.

  • Do you not know who his breeder is? Do you have his papers?

  • The previous owner did not supply them . I'm a little skeptical. He looks purebred but I could be wrong

  • Oh, I think clicker training is perfect for this dog! You can make your first project taking food from your hand. :) Click/treat by tossing the treat at first, reward a closer approach, work with him until he touches your hand, then until he takes the treat from your hand.

    Once you get that, work on something else, like sit, down, "place", etc. There is a lot of information on clicker training on line, but if you are stuck for how to begin, just ask. Lots of clicker trainers on here. I would work with him in the house in a room with no distractions, and I would work without giving him any direction or modelling. Just look for something you can reward, and use successive approximation until you get the behaviour consistently, then name it.

  • Any solutions to having him staying out of certain areas of the house? I know Basenji's are known to run so having him not leave his yard will be a challenge. Anyone have invinsafence?

  • @Enigmatic:

    Wow, thanks for all the input. I myself am in Eau Claire area. He started out nipping my little brothers and now whenever I show dominance he bites me.

    I am curious…how do you show dominance?

    Dominance theory in dogs has largely fallen out of favor... positive reinforcement works much better :)

  • He knows the meaning of no and he gets angry like a child whenever i say no. Would it be possible for him to think I was his mate?
    I dont hit him if thats what you're implying, i do agree that positive reinforcement is the best.

  • @Enigmatic:

    He knows the meaning of no and he gets angry like a child whenever i say no. Would it be possible for him to think I was his mate?
    I dont hit him if thats what you're implying, i do agree that positive reinforcement is the best.

    No, I was not thinking that you hit him…I am sorry if I came across that way. It is merely that people have very different ideas on how to be dominant when it comes to dogs.

    Watson is not a fan of being told no either... :)

    They are actually quite aware that we are not dogs or pack members so to speak.

    There are good books about behavior and training out there and also videos if you need something more visual. Look into stuff by people like Ian Dunbar, Jean Donaldson, Patricia McConnell just to give you a place to start.

    If my guy gets nippy everything stops...I walk away and ignore him, if possible I will even leave the room on him. His bad behavior makes something good go away (in this case my attention).

  • Its not a problem. I think he actually gets jealous of my fiancee(haha) I've read some books but i'm just scared i'm going to do it wrong. I owned two pit mixes before him and just the breeds are so different.
    If I Ignore him when he gets nippy he does it harder and more and I cannot have this since there is children in the house.

  • They do get jealous and want attention ;)

    Yeah, basenjis are pretty different from many other breeds. Their intelligence and independence can make them a challenge. They do bond very strongly to their people despite some of them being more aloof.

    Can you redirect him when he nips? Does it happen in the context of play usually with the kids? Also when he nips at you is he grabbing at clothing to pull on to try and solicit attention or is he going for you?

    If he is pulling and nipping at clothes I would keep my hands and arms out of the way and use body blocks to move him, hip bumping him if he jumps and tell him no…then if he gives up and offers a acceptable behavior like a sit reward and praise.

  • they're quite intelligent dogs though. I love him and he is my baby If he wans attention he ignores everyone else and comes straight for me.

    As far as the kids go theyre 8 and 11, he will just walk up to them and nip ankles, hands or certain sweatpants that the youngest wears. He also chews on everything but i've read they get bored easily even though he has a billion toys around the house.

    If he wants my attention he stares at me and puts his paw on me.

    He listens to my fiancee and one of my little brothers when we say'get out of the kitchen' but when i say it he just stares at me like,"Yeah, ok mom,n whatever"

    P.S as we speak he is hiding under the blanket from the previous storms and snoring away next to me.

  • When he does that I would separate him from the kids by body blocking him away and tell him no or give a no reward marker (that is what we do here…it is sort of an errrrr noise) to tell him this is not acceptable and reward if he breaks off the behavior and moves away. This may take a time, my guy tends to be very persistent. I rarely use my hands to move him away in situations like that because it may turn things into a game and also dogs tend to use their bodies to make others move.

    Same if you want him out of the kitchen and he ignores the verbal command use your body to make him move out :) dogs are snoozing away here too...I think we need to head off to bed :D

    I am serious though. If you worry about not getting the info just from reading training books try some videos. Here is a link to Kikopup on youtube she has some very nice training videos up :)

  • Thank you, you're a life saver. Can I drive to you and you just train both Diesel and I? Haha. Bed is calling my name and i'm not even 21 yet. (I will be in July)

    Also, please excuse my poor typing skills. I've somehow managed to break most of my nails off so the tips are sensitive and its quite interesting to type

  • :D That is a long way to drive for training sessions ;) But a meet up of some of us WI might be fun.

    No worries…I have had some epic spelling/typing mistakes.

    Saw your pictures of Diesel...he is a pretty little brindle boy!

  • Yeah, he's a pretty boy. I just love his white markings.
    Say… when Wattson gets tired does his tail go limp? I'm not sure if its just my boy or a breed trait.

  • Yeah, they uncurl their tail when they are tired, relaxed, or not feeling well…so yes it is a breed trait :)

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    Basenji Training
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    I train all mine with the plastic bag or fur lure on the end of a lunge whip from the day they arrive at my place. After a few weeks of solo training, I add one of my older dogs so they get used to chasing with another dog. Most trials are going to be a significant distance away for you. You might contact some of the coursing clubs and get on their various yahoo groups etc to see if anyone is traveling from your area that could provide transportation to some of the practice runs. I would recommend looking atl locations for LGRA/straight track racing in canada as that is a good way to learn follow and focus before starting to course.
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    Basenji Training
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    @jinxed_1980: Beau has decided to take things out of the garbage in protest of being gated in the kitchen. The wierd thing is it is only in protest, he doesnt eat anything he just takes it out of the garbage usually the diapers and strategically places articles around the kitchen. Dogs don't do things "in protest". He is probably bored and just finding a way to entertain himself. That or he has learned that this behavior gets a reaction from you. Dogs are natural scavengers so he is only doing what dogs do. I'm surprised he doesn't eat it. Mine are inveterate trash hounds. Just get a good covered can so he cannot do this. Another thing he does is when he gets seperated from me he poops… He could have just went outside and did his business but if i leave for the gas station he will find the energy to realease another present for me on the kitchen floor. You might need to do a little remedial alone training. Sounds like it might be nervous deification. That or he learned not to poop in front of you, and is waiting for you to leave. I hate crating him and i dont think he likes it either, and i feel like a bad mommy. He screams and crys if i crate him up and i can hear him half way down the block when i come home from the gas station, so yeah thats a no go. This tells you he is not adequately crate trained, as others have said. Start from ground 0. Make the crate a super neat place where great things happen. Start by delivering rewards whenever he approaches it. Work up to him going inside, then inside with the door swung closed, then clipped, then inside door locked and he stays there a few seconds, etc. Also he wont be a good boy on the leash. I dont know how many dogs i have leash trained ( i have worked at kennels and doggy day cares and a vet) i know i know how to leash train a dog… Beau aint havin it. He even gives me the dirty eye when i correct him or suddenly change directions to get him to pay attention. The methods you're using are older, less effective ways of loose lead training. I suggest you get a Sense-ation harness or a Wonder Walker and sign up for classes with a good, positive reinforcement based trainer who can walk you through a good, fun way of teaching your boy to walk politely on lead. Good luck
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    Basenji Training
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    @ComicDom1: MacPack, thanks for the info on the walky dog. I watched both movies where they are riding the bike and the dog is attached. While I would like to try something like this with my Basenji, I am somewhat nervous because I fear either my Basenji or I will get hurt if the dog just stops dead in his tracks, sees prey and decides to try to bolt and take off after it, or sees something else he wants and either bolts forward or sideways. Do you have any personal experience using this Walky-Dog attachment? Thanks, Jason I haven't used this attachment, but still run Ruby on the bike. The reason you won't lose your balance with the Walky Dog is because it is attached to the seatpost - your center of gravity. Put it on the handle bar stem and that would be a different story. The other key thing is with the Walky Dog (and the way I run Ruby) is that they can't get to the wheels of the bike. Honestly when I run Ruby, I don't feel like she is even attached to the bike - there is no pulling. The one thing I found when running Ruby is that even if there is prey that she might be interested in, she is moving forward and in a manner that doesn't allow freedom to go in another direction. I've encountered rabbits, squirrels, deer and cats and never had her try to chase off to the side. If they are in front of her, she will pick up speed, so I try to match her speed. She's looked at them, then looked at me and all I've said is "keep going or forget it" and there has never been a problem. Mostly she is looking ahead and having a blast running. We run a steady pace on the flats of about 14 - 16mph (11mph up hill - great for her, but it nearly kills me :eek:)…I'm sure she could go faster, but we go about 4 - 6 miles so I don't want to completely wipe her out. You want to tire out a basenji - a bike is a great tool!
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    Basenji Training
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    18 Posts
    IMHO, please be careful with the alpha roll over, I used to do that when I first started dog training many years ago, I eventually had an aggression problem with the dog, got bit pretty good. I guessed it was my fault and never rolled one since. I never used pacifiers with my son, so no dog troubles there, but his blanky got stolen often. gg It sure cannot hurt to put the litterbox there and see what happens, its easy, fairly clean, and better than cleaning the rug often. You could also try using a scatter rug over the other rug, see if that helps any! I have one spot where one of the dogs, having gotten too excited, peed, they still go there if excited. I love my dogs, oh well its only in the hall. ggg Good luck, hope you find a solution! Carole