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Sick Dog Question– help, please?!

Basenji Health Issues & Questions
  • @agilebasenji:

    seems like debradownsouth had one of her dogs on something. Might want to ask her what she used.

    I had Mickii on that, but it was years ago. I would have to go back though all my stuff to try and find the name. It was a pill, that I do remember

  • I, too, have wondered if Spencer isn't having a negative association with his tongue lapping food, since it was clearly so painful before. That or the antibiotics possibly suppressing his appetite. He ate more today– beef stew, which he hasn't had in ages. Still, he bit at it with his teeth, though he did lick the bowl clean at the end. It took him a while to decide to do it, though. He would circle back and ponder, circle back and ponder, then finally he took a tentative lick, then finished it off. So maybe he'll go for it tomorrow!

    Terry, Spencer is not in renal failure-- his BUN and CREA are quite good-- and Dr. Gonto recommended switching him to the hybrid protocol four years ago after he had a seizure. He gets a little higher protein (good proteins) than the typical hybrid protocol, so he's actually a hybrid hybrid! I keep hearing about venison, so I'm really going to have to check that out. Right now, we stick to chicken breast, lean beef, fish and eggs (mostly egg whites), mixed with veggies, rice, the occasional cheese and senior kibble. I try to mix it up, but seemingly not enough.

    The vet gave Spencer a steroid for an appetite stimulant, but it didn't do any good, so we stopped that. When he's off the antibiotics next week, I'll know if that's dulling his appetite or if he's just a picky, picky boy.

  • Do you think it was a steroid or was it a supplement? I have heard that SAMe and a few other pills are natural appetite stimulants. I'll have to look into that a little more.

  • @ownedbyspencer:

    Do you think it was a steroid or was it a supplement? I have heard that SAMe and a few other pills are natural appetite stimulants. I'll have to look into that a little more.

    I am pretty sure it was a steroid, but I am searching for the name…. It was NOT a supplement, that I do know. It was a pill and given like 1/4 every 12 hours, if I remember right. It might be the same used on humans. I would for sure ask your Vet about it.

  • Glad Spencer licked the bowl, hopefully getting some GOOD associations for his tongue! Beef stew with yummy gravy sounds great.

  • Someone mentioned B vitamins to improve appetite and increase muscle mass. Has anybody heard of that?

    Spencer is already on Amino Fuel (1/2 tab daily), but that doesn't seem to be helping. I'm going to ask Dr. Gonto what he thinks about bumping it up to a full pill a day. Might be protein overload, though…

  • @MacPack:

    Glad Spencer licked the bowl, hopefully getting some GOOD associations for his tongue! Beef stew with yummy gravy sounds great.

    It was yummy! I felt like licking my bowl, too. (I wasn't the chef, which is probably why he liked it so much– the Galloping Gourmet, I am not!)

  • @tanza:

    I am pretty sure it was a steroid, but I am searching for the name…. It was NOT a supplement, that I do know. It was a pill and given like 1/4 every 12 hours, if I remember right. It might be the same used on humans. I would for sure ask your Vet about it.

    Do you think it could have been dexamethasone? The vet didn't see a downside in trying it for a few days, but it didn't work for Spencer. Honestly, a Quarter Pounder with Cheese would probably work better– for less!

  • @ownedbyspencer:

    Do you think it could have been dexamethasone? The vet didn't see a downside in trying it for a few days, but it didn't work for Spencer. Honestly, a Quarter Pounder with Cheese would probably work better– for less!

    Could have been but when he gave him the dexamethasone they still had not found the problem, right? Could be why it didn't work.

    And that would be Vit B-12 (shots). We gave that to our Mickii, don't really remember seeing a big difference, however it can't do any harm

  • @tanza:

    Could have been but when he gave him the dexamethasone they still had not found the problem, right? Could be why it didn't work.

    And that would be Vit B-12 (shots). We gave that to our Mickii, don't really remember seeing a big difference, however it can't do any harm

    We gave it to him for a few days after his surgery, too, so he probably did still have a sore mouth. I think I'll just ride it out until he's off the antibiotics and see if I see any improvement. He ate decently today… but he won't eat a bite if I put his food in a bowl. I have to put it on a flat plate and mound it into little balls that he can grab with his teeth. My vet checked his mouth and he doesn't seem to have any residual mouth pain. So I guess he's just decided that he likes food balls.

  • @ownedbyspencer:

    So I guess he's just decided that he likes food balls.

    Maybe he likes the presentation better… how mac and cheese looks all fancy when you put a sprig of parsely in the middle!

  • LOL– my dog's a foodie! Next thing you know, he'll want it on a china plate decoratively bedded on lettuce with ornamental carrot curls. :)

  • Get out your peeler!!! LOL

  • Ha, my husband is a chef by trade, presentation is very important to him. Our Basenjis have actually had their meals on beds of lettuce a few times, especially the oldies. I'm surprised that our dogs aren't pickier eaters.

  • I'm not even sure I have a peeler! But Spencer is sticking with his picky ways. Again today: yummy food in bowl; no interest– same food mounded into balls, ate every one.

    I get that presentation is important to a chef (lucky you, Joanne, having a resident chef!) and to many people, but to a dog? Why would a dog care... or even know that one is nicer? Spencer has eaten from a bowl his entire life, and now suddenly, he's Emeril Basenji? :)

  • At least he's eating it! Yea!!!!

  • @ownedbyspencer:

    I'm not even sure I have a peeler! But Spencer is sticking with his picky ways. Again today: yummy food in bowl; no interest– same food mounded into balls, ate every one.

    Maybe it will just be a short fad thing for him because you introduced something new. One time Billy quit eating, and because he's old I don't like him to be off his food for long. We had to tempt him with various things added to his kibble; we (or HE) finally settled on eating chicken or eggs with his kibble and a satin ball…. but we had to roll that satin ball across the floor so he could "kill" it first. I think it's an "old dog" thing. Billy's back to eating his kibble out of his dog dish.

  • That's how I feel, too– yea, he's eating! I'm just so puzzled as to why it would make a difference how it's presented? Must be a B thing. :)

    Hopefully, it will be a fad, because not everything rolls so nicely. But I'm going to keep doing whatever it takes to get the little guy to eat and try to put some weight back on him. I know what you mean about not liking the old guys to be off their food. They're calling the shots-- and they know it. Too funny about rolling that satin ball! You know what-- I would do it, too, if that's what it took. I'm glad Billy's back to normal. It's so worrisome when an old guy won't eat.

  • Chuck Eisenmann used to swear by feeding his GSDs on newspaper. He felt it wasn't good to feed in a bowl because it was difficult for the dog to avoid ending up with food all over his nose. Esthetics, perhaps, but maybe Spencer feels the same way, or associates the bowl with the pain he was experiencing…..

  • If anybody's still interested, I thought I would update you on the gastronomic delights and culinary adventures here at Chez Spencer. The little scamp feels sooo much better (for which I am very grateful), but he is still only interested in yummy food balls, of a kind deemed acceptable to his newly refined palate. And he still wants them on a plate, not in a bowl, which I'm OK with. I elevate it, and that seems to make him happier. I'm feeding him smaller portions four times a day, and he usually eats most of it. Unless it's chicken. Or has softened kibble mixed in. He's wise to that.

    I realize that it's probably time for a little tough love, since my dog has healed and is now training me. But he's only gained back six ounces in two weeks, and he lost six pounds. That's a lot less a lot slower than we had hoped, so I fix whatever I think he'll eat and continue to shape it into little balls. I have developed two kinds: a casserole ball (with meat, rice and pasta or rice) and a sandwich ball (with meat, bread and cheese). Sometimes, there's gravy; sometimes not. So far, he hasn't requested a china plate or his water in a goblet. :)

    This is just so odd. My vet, who recommended the food ball trick when Spencer's mouth was sore, has never heard of a dog refusing to accept food any other way once the mouth healed. Do I just have a prima dogga?

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