Spencer is continuing to improve– thanks for asking! He has not wet the bed except for that one night, so I'm not sure what was up with that. I folded a beach towel under him just in case, but he has been holding his urine all night. We had him on subQs twice a day for a week, and I was having to get up every hour and take him out. So, wow, it would be hard to do that on an ongoing basis. He is drinking on his own now, and so far, he's getting enough. This weekend, I will go in search of the waterproof mattress pads. Thanks for the Wal-Mart tip-- I'll start there!
Spencer's weight is still problematic. He is very thin, and it's disturbing to see him looking so malnourished. His coat is glossy and his eyes are clear, but every bone in his body juts out. I'm running the gamut of foods, but he's just a picky eater and has been getting pickier for about a year now. I'm feeding him smaller meals and hoping that will help, not just his organs, but his psychology-- the old "Hey, this isn't much, I'd better scarf it right up" trick. He's probably too smart for that. When someone's begging you to eat, you figure it's probably gonna keep coming-- and maybe the next offering will be even better. Sigh.
One issue might be the pills. Even before he got sick, he was tired of finding pills in his food-- not the bitter bicarbs he takes for Fanconi, but his vitamins and Omega-3s. He might be the only dog in the world that hates the taste of fish oil and beef-flavored chewables. I have been giving him all the supplements separately to entice him to eat. So far, it's gotten a lukewarm reception. Today is Muttloaf Day-- we'll see what that brings!