Some years back, during our Shiba Inu and Jindo period our Jindo developed a terrible rash and wht with her licking turned into huge hot spots, loss of hair and everything. Our vet narrowed it down to a grain alergy, suggested we go to an avocado based food, AvoDerm. Within 2 weeks she stopped itching and chewing, and 6 months later all her hair was grown out. As time went by she developed a beautiful luxurious coat, never had another problem with alergies or skin problems. We realize that B's dont have the long double coats like Shibas or Jindos, but our philosophy is if it ain't broke don't fix it, so we have just continued feeding AvoDerm to our B's as we accumulated our pack. The main problem with it is, if we feed them as reccomended they gain weight, so we really have to watch their diet.
Hello from PA
Welcome to the forum and my sympathies for your loss. I'm sure you won't find another to replace Snooper but hopefully you'll soon find another Basenji companion.
I'm so sorry for your loss. You gave Snooper a great life and he is now watching over you.
Glad that you found us - breeders are starting to have their pups now, perhaps a new friend will be in your future soon. I agree with Pat (Tanza Basenjis), please get your new friend from a responsible breeder that does all of the health testing. You could also look into adopting a basenji as well. Here is the link:
Welcome! You'll find this pack pretty easy to run with
I'm terribly sorry for your loss, but as they say, "Time heals all wounds." Keep your chin up and remember the good times!
All the best,
=Nate -
You have all made me feel so welcome. Snooper and I would just have been coming in from a late night walk about now. So, it's comforting to think of him running free over the rainbow bridge. I will follow the links and do my homework. We don't need a champion or show dog…just a basenji to love. Thank you all your your kind words. I'm glad I found this forum.
Here is a link to read about how to "interview" a breeder.
Wow! That's a really great link. I have never purchased a dog from a breeder, but if I did I would certainly use this. Thanks so much for posting.
Welcome to the forum - there are lots of very helpful folks here to help you find your B to love. I too am so very sorry for your loss - it's never easy to lose such a dear friend.
You have all made me feel so welcome. Snooper and I would just have been coming in from a late night walk about now. So, it's comforting to think of him running free over the rainbow bridge. I will follow the links and do my homework. We don't need a champion or show dog…just a basenji to love. Thank you all your your kind words. I'm glad I found this forum.
It is just as important to get a companion (pet puppy) from a responsible breeder, at least IMO
Here is a link to read about how to "interview" a breeder.
Wow! That's a really great link. I have never purchased a dog from a breeder, but if I did I would certainly use this. Thanks so much for posting.
I just notice a broken link that I will fix tonight. In the section The Most Important (will fix the spelling) … the link to BCOA should be
My sympathy on your loss, Snooper sounds like a wonderful friend.
We have some amazing breeders on this Forum, some with pups coming in soon, as well as some adults who need homes.
Also check out the BRAT site (Basenji Rescue and Transport) for many wonderful basenjis who need homes too.
We got our first several basenjis from 'free to good home' ads in the paper, they ere all wonderful dogs, they seem to know when you have rescued them!
Welcome, good luck finding a companion to help fill the holes in your heart.
When you are ready to look for a new companion please remember to include BRAT and other rescue organizations where basenjis can be found, along with your searches for responsible breeders in your area.
Are you looking for an adult or a puppy? Where in PA do you live?
Thanks for asking. I guess I'm looking for a puppy at this point. We also have 3 cats, previous strays, and I thought a puppy might integrate better than a adult. I live in Hummelstown, just outside of Hershey.