Hello everyone!
It's been awhile since posting here, I haven't posted since Isis was put to sleep in April 09β¦ It was an incredibly hard time for me and my husband.
July 2010 came around, and we felt like were were ready to get another dog.
We rescued Dee Dee (a beagle pitbull) from the shelter and while she's a brat sometimes- but we can't imagine life without her!
But we miss having a B and we think Dee Dee is ready for a new friend.
Can anyone direct me to fanconi free breeders in California? (San Diego - Hollywood?)
We have cats and plan to have children, so if there is a male Basenji (with proof of being Fanconi free) who likes cats and kids who needs a good home... my husband and I would be interested
to see him
But, we are also willing to wait for a litter in California, AZ or maybe NV.
I can't let my husband go through fanconi again, it crushed him, so any help in finding a B that fits the criteria would be very much appreciated!
Thank you, and I hope to chat in the forums again