but the mountains are not "ours". That was a photo taken on vacation in the Smokeys. We live in Washington, though, and do have plenty of gorgeous mountains to enjoy also!</grin>
I love Chicago…most truckers think I'm a kook for having that opinion, but I've been known to go 75 miles out of my way just to sit in Chicago traffic. :D
There's a certain energy in Chicago I can't find anywhere else in the world. And yes, that says a lot...I've been in major cities from Tokyo to Prague (Praha) to Munich to Seoul as well as amost every major city in the US. There's just something about Chicago.
It's been a very long time since I read The Wizard of Oz. Is Wichita where the story starts?
I googled "Dorothy's House Wichita" and nothing came up except ways to get to Liberal. That's where the house is that is advertised all over Kansas as THE Dorothy's House. From what I understand (and I have been wrong before…it could happen again) the house in Liberal is where they did some of the filming.
But I love the Witch-ita reference...:D
I think Dorthy's house was just considered to be a farm house "out in the middle of nowhere".