wrote on 8 May 2007, 00:15 last edited by
My nephew (22 years old) just moved out on his own. He has always grown up with dogs and was wanting a dog so badly. We searched petfinder together and saw so many beautiful dogs in need of a home.
I am thrilled to say that he adopted a long haired dachschund from a rescue shelter in NJ. Snoopy, who is 2 1/2 years old, was put up for adoption because his family was having a baby and I guess could not handle both. My nephew is in love. This dog is absolutely beautiful and well behaved.
I think everyone should think about getting a dog from a rescue shelter as there are so many that need a loving family.
wrote on 8 May 2007, 01:23 last edited by
It is amazing how many dogs are giving up when a baby comes along… it is like they are trying out the dog as a test... and then when the real thing comes, the dog is too much trouble.... so out it goes... it is very sad....
wrote on 8 May 2007, 12:10 last edited by
Rescuing is one of the most rewarding things a person can do. Kuddos to your nephew!!!
wrote on 17 May 2007, 22:25 last edited by
My rescue Ringo was from a couple who had a new baby. The dog just stayed in their apartment all day and a walk was down the block and back once in a while. Ringo was 2 and they just took his blanket, collar and a dog toy and dropped him off at the rescue breeder. Very sad. What were these people thinking!! But he had a hell of a good time with me for 12-1/2 years! (-:
wrote on 18 May 2007, 00:02 last edited by
How lucky Ringo was to have found you! I adopted Lillie from a rescue shelter also. The story that I got was - she was owned by a truck driver (maybe that is why she is horrible in the car-all over the seats). He let her out to do her business, he fell asleep and she wandered off. It was fate that I got her since I had just given up a dog 2 weeks prior because he was a very bad biter and after 14 months I could no longer have him in my house. Please do not think I am crazy - the day I found Lillie was the day I went to visit my father in the cemetary. When I went into the cemetary I heard a dog barking. There were no dogs in sight. I believe my father was sending me a message as he knew from a small child how much I love dogs. I truly believe it was fate.
Adoption is the greatest!
Jodie -
wrote on 18 May 2007, 16:24 last edited by
I don't think you're crazy. That happens all the time if we're receptive to it. What kind of dog did you have to give up? You then went to the shelter after getting/hearing the message and found Lillie? Is your avatar picture Lillie? -
wrote on 18 May 2007, 22:02 last edited by
Yes, my avatar picture is Lillie. Here's my story…I went with my sister to the cemetary in Long Island. The plan was to visit my nephew for lunch and then go to North Shore Animal League. I had adopted a lab/border collie in 1984. Lucy was the love of my life (except she barked ALOT). She passed away 10/30/2005 in front of me as I was rushing her to a 24 hr. animal hospital. I totally lost it. I couldn't bear being without a dog and adopted a sheltie mix 2 weeks later from a local rescue shelter here in Staten Island. The people who run this shelter did not tell me her history. Like she was abused by a male and hating them. Four days and a few bites to my husband later...I returned her. I then adopted one of her puppies a month later. I named him Ricky for my Lucy. He was a sheltie/shepherd mix. Everything was fine the first 8 months and then I noticed he had problems walking. I took him to my vet and he was diagnosed with hip dysplasia. I then took him for surgery at a fantastic animal hospital in New Jersey. When he was recuperating I took him for swimming therapy at a farm.
No matter what we did...Ricky just was not nice sometimes. Without any type of provoking he would bite. He always bit on the hand. It was bad enough for me to be screaming in pain and have to go to the Dr for antibiotics. Unfortunately, I thought with my heart and not my brain and hoped that this would be a phase. On New Years Eve, he bit my son (who has special needs). That was it. I returned him that week to the rescue shelter. After 14 months, alot of money and many, many tears...I was devastated.
Luckily, Liilie (aka Charlie) was at North Shore. She was brought there the day before I found her. I knew nothing about basenjis but have been very educated with this website. She is a rip..sometimes frustrating especially when she rips into a bed. I am thrilled to have her and hope that she will be a part of my family for many, many years.
Take care,
Jodie:) -
wrote on 18 May 2007, 22:09 last edited by
WOW, Jodie… what a story... unbelievable...
wrote on 18 May 2007, 22:21 last edited by
When I was replying to Dan I thought the same…it is an unbelievable story. You have to know me to understand my love for dogs. No matter what kind. No preferences here. I am the youngest of 5 and we got a dog when I was 2 years old. She was my younger sister. Her name was Patches and I just loved her to pieces. I am not sure what mix of breed she was. Not extremely friendly to strangers, although she would always warn them when she showed her teeth. She bit one person (my ex sister-in-law on the toe). She probably deserved it. LOL. Anyway, when I was 19, Patches was 17 and we had to put her out of her misery. I was lost without her. Little did I know that 4 months later I would lose my father also. 1979 was the worst year!
I wanted a dog after I got married but it didn't make sense in a 3 room apt. when we both worked. So, I found a stray kitten and had her for 17 years. She was mean but I tried very hard to love her. In the meantime when I was a stay at home mom, I adopted a dalmatian. Hershey (brown spots) loved me, protected me and was absolutely beautiful. Unfortunately he did not last long with us as he became very sick and we had to put him out of his misery. Nine months later (I could've had another baby!) I adopted my love, Lucy. The rest is history.
Is it crazy--I love dogs more than people! I am trying to get a doggie day care at my job. The exec. director thinks I am crazy. I have a bulletin board behind my desk with pictures of dogs from my co-workers. We buy each other treats for our dogs! Some of the pictures are of a boxer, golden retriever, cocker spaniel, shnoodle, springer spaniel, Ricky, Lucy, Hershey and of course Lillie! My husband made a beautiful calendar of Lillie and my son and I get to see her everyday at work!
Take care,
Jodie -
wrote on 18 May 2007, 22:37 last edited by
As I said before, unbelievable… If I can come back as a Basenji, can I come live at your house???? ggggg
But I can relate to loving dogs more then people.. that is me too!!! -
wrote on 18 May 2007, 22:44 last edited by
I love dogs so much because they give their love so unconditionally. No matter how you feel or look..they still love you. That is why I had such a tough time with Ricky. I never experienced this before (and I hope I never do again). Thanks for the compliment. Come by Staten Island, NY anytime.
How many basenjis do you own? I would love to get another dog but it is not feasible now. I guess Lillie will just have to get all my love by herself!
Take care,