I didn't say that she stopped growing, I said her growth plates closed, I have the xrays to prove it. So just saying that while maybe "not till 14 months" per your comments they can and do close as early as 5 months.
If the growth plates are closed at 5 months as shown by your xrays the only growing she should be doing is in width, not height. Sorry if I seem confused but that is my technical understanding of the issue; growth plates closed = no more growth in height, ie no more longitudinal growth.
That said - I would love to see her xrays (or any xrays of a young pup with closed plates if anyone knows where I could find some) as I have never seen one that young with closed plates.
At work we, sadly, have more than enough opportunity to x-ray baby dogs (obviously not reccommended) due to injuries or indescriminate eating, etc.
I always get a kick out of doing VD abdomens on the puppies cuz their hips and pelvis look all funny with the spacing you see with open growth plates - the bones look like they are floating around and you wonder how anyone could walk around with such flaccid looking structure, which is of course why the OFA will only do prelims on younger dogs.
With the AKC final jump height card and the OFA final xrays both being at age 2 or older, seems to be the general consensus that 2 years of age is the average age most dogs are considered "mature" and at their full height. As with all averages though - there will be some that are on the low end (think dwarfism) or the high end (think giganticism) - I just have not experienced it myself personally, either with my own dogs or the many, many dogs and cats I see at work within any given year. Which is why I am more apt to tell someone - never say never - to mean don't write off a dog until they are at minimum 14 months and at most 2 years as we just don't know - even in famial lines.