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Pippin's first conformation class…

Basenji Training
  • You would never catch me back in the class again… this is a way to important time for Pippin to even chance to react badly to a person that is obviously hostle to the breed. Sorry, but I disagree with Robyn's comments.

    As far as the teacher being a judge (as in hound), OK that makes sense about the six month rule, but chances are you would not have that judge locally. Most shows try to get judges from out of the area, just for that reason... And well if it happened, you just miss that show, not a big deal anyway. I don't think I remember it every happening in hounds around here... must be why I never thought much about it.

  • Robyn, she was an older lady..but I don't think she is a AKC judge..just a breeder of Belgian Sheepdogs.

    She very well might be from that generation of people that have that notion about Basenjis…but in my opinion..KEEP IT TO YOURSELF..especially saying it I instantly had a very defensive attitude..and it just was not needed..I think.
    That being said she did warm up to him and was not handling him but would give him treats on the table.
    We did end up sitting out the last 15 or so minutes just watching the other handlers and dogs, Pippin was very relaxed in my lap..

    I don't think she meant the puppy's behavior was not acceptable but rather your behavior. You should never drag a puppy. Coax him with treats and praise to get him moving.

    I didn't drag him as it sounds..rather he laid down and for a second or two he was on the floor with the lead held really tight as he was behind me and I was still half running..before I realized why the lead was taught..
    She might have meant me or him..there is no telling..coaxing him with treats work great..if he is watching but at this instans he was not..thus the taught lead..and "dragging"

  • LOL, had that happen many a time with a puppy…. moving right along and then opps... almost pulled off your feet cause that baby decided "I think I will stop"....

    And you said "still would not touch him"? Pretty odd, but then again, I would have just left the class (and I have in the past). If you are going to teach a class, you need to accept all dogs (and their people). Not fair to pick on one breed or another.

  • LOL, had that happen many a time with a puppy…. moving right along and then opps... almost pulled off your feet cause that baby decided "I think I will stop"....


  • Get a new trainer fast. We are in Hutto Tx all weekend at the triple crown dog academy coursing wish it were closer to you. We would be happy to help. There is coursing in cat spring every month and I have friends running there who are AKC conformation judges. Maybe we can set something up so they can help you

  • Lisa you are so sweet to offer. I am hoping this other class is least to go for a week or two so I can then get better at it myself and train on one on one.
    Good luck in Hutto..:)

  • This is what the other trainer, the one that also judges Basenjis for AKC said regarding not being able to show under him because he trained us..

    It is not an AKC rule, but a guideline. Usually the wait is 4 months after your last class. I asked the AKC rep about this, and she is the one who said that there is not an AKC rule, but they prefer that people not show to a instructor/judge for 4 months. It's the same rule regarding handlers who show dogs for judges. They have to wait 4 months before they could show to that judge again

  • I was told by a judge that I was training with last yr that it's 6 months so that's what im doing. I will be putting Gambit in ADPT rally classes next month because the akc rally trainer I normally use is judging at a show in June that I wAnt to enter

  • I would have left the class - no ifs, ands or buts. What a completely narrow mind. Anyone doing any kind of dog training should be unbiased, or at least not voice their personal likes or dislikes regarding a particular dog breed.

  • Conformation classes should be a positive experience for a young puppy. I wouldn't go back. He looks great, BTW:)

  • I agree, he does look great… by the way

  • Thanks guys…

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