Pippin and the stolen butter knife…
My kids and hubby have all learned that you can't leave anything laying about..Pippin chewed on my hubby's eyeglasses just this weekend, now they don't have the padding around the metal that goes around the ears..ouch..well they were on the floor..HELLO..
Sofia has lost numerous barbie dolls, their hands and hair is divine….Lukas has lost his legos..and stuffed animals...some of his books too..You live and you learn, except they aren't learning. ;) -
The only good thing about my pack..they actually play with the animal "skins"..I think even better than when they were stuffed..so we have millions of them roaming around in their toy basket and outside..My biggest gutter is Gus, the doxie..he has to get the squeeker out, absolutely has to..so I have been buying stuffed animals at Ikea for them and they live longer now..I guess because no squeeker is antagonizing them.
LOL, my daughter didn't learn at first, so we told her (after her eyeglasses)… they eat it, it comes out of your allowance. Yep, week later it ate her tooth retainer... $150 to replace. Husband let her pay half her allowance til it was paid off (I'd have done whole thing for nearly 4 mos!), but she learned to keep it in it's case on a shelf and her bedroom door shut.
You gotta love em otherwise you will skin them
You gotta love'em otherwise you'll skin them
this is awesome and so true..my new motto..
Yeah mine play after they are destuffed, but Cara (and Sayblee before her) get great joy from squeezing which they no longer do.
Just want to make one little suggestion…. if you are really thinking about showing, you need to take off his collar in the house or secure yard time... collars on show dogs break the hair and leave marks.... just something to think about as to get all that to grow back can take months
I never leave my boy's collar on for more than ten minutes at a time if he's outside. Soon as he comes through the door, he knows to wait 'cause the collar comes off. It always does.
He makes me laugh with his, "I wasn't born with that thing around my neck" look.
Thank you DexterDex..:)