Kirsten (Istari Basenjis)
I went but don't see puppies or Winnie!/pages/Istari-Basenjis/123545051049815?v=photos -
Here's a link.
Let me know if it doesn't work!
WooHOO…. welcome.... couldn't pick a nicer breeder then Karla!!! I have been watching the Kita/Willow babies grow since they were born, very nice litter... and another Forum member is getting one of those pups too.... follow this link
Thanks, Pat :) Karla and I are old friends, so I know I am in good hands :)
Kirsten, welcome onboard…nice pictures of Winnie, Pippin and Tessa and Ankhu..can't wait to see pictures of your new baby..congratulations.
Nice to meet you Kristen, you have a great breeder in Karla. Look forward to hearing about your new puppy.
Therese Leimback
FoPaw's Basenjis