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Puppy training classes…questions

Basenji Training

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  • Couple of training puppy questions…

    Basenji Training
    0 Votes
    8 Posts
    i did get some bitter apple…the thing works like a charm! I got her some toys as well and she does so much better now with knowing what to chew and what not to! its like night and day from 2-3 weeks ago....I rarely have to redirect her now...I tell you, these B's are smart!
  • Crate training

    Basenji Training
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    5 Posts
    He does only poop in his crate, no urine usually. I am trying to gradually get him to like his crate, but I do think it might be a lost cause. But yesterday I left for about three hours and left him in the kitchen. When I got back, I opened the door and looked down to see not only my cat waiting for me but my dog as well… He found a way to get out of the kitchen and have the run on my apartment. I now know why basenjis are called escape artists. I was happy to find that although he had an accident in the living room, he didn't destroy anything. But I won't count on one time to trust him alone. I am going to stick with the kitchen and try to make sure he can't get out.
  • Clicker Obedience Training Question

    Basenji Training
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    8 Posts
    @pacificNWbasenji: Thanks for all of the great suggestions. Quercus: I will try opportunistic clicking/rewarding when he is nesting, hopefully it will help reinforce the desired behavior rather than confuse him. Agilebasenji: Surprisingly enough my guys do not roll on damp towels, very unbasenji like of them. They do insist on grabbing towels, running off with them and promptly killing them by giving them a great shake before stealing the stoled goods from each other. They ignore them during our training sessions because I have taught them 'on your bed' where they will run and place themselves on the area I point at (dog bed, place on couch, towel or blanket laid out) Thanks for the advice. Clay: Matter of fact we just began targeting on Saturday as well, with the nose touch. Dude does have a great high five so I think that paw touch won't be difficult. Tonight I began directing him onto the towel and doing a low five and click/rewarding when he would give the five and his paw would land on the towel. Lvoss: That's what i'll try next as soon as I can get him to exhibit a bit of the behavior. Thanks! Cool. Let us know how it works out.
  • Puppy training by breeder

    Basenji Training
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    4 Posts
    Thanks for the ideas! I had forgotten the collar training totally - as well as walking in leash nicely. Fortunately I have some training collars at home, before my order of measure made sighthound leather collars will arrive (at age of 8 weeks). We have now -20 Celsius and 1 meter snow in South-Finland, so it is impossible to start potty training in the garden ;) More ideas are welcome!
  • Puppy Crate training

    Basenji Training
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    8 Posts
    @BellaJane: Oh yeah and his name is Ringo…. Where did you get Ringo?
  • Questions on training

    Basenji Training
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    16 Posts
    THANK YOU!! I finally feel there is somebody out there that 'gets it'. Our girl does not respond to any of the 'pack leader' stuff - I'm sure she was dumped because she is just such a stinker. Everytime I hit bottom somebody helps me through the disaster with encouragment (that's why I joined this group.) THANK YOU for your good thougths - things do progress - her private trainer is coming this weekend & we're doing the prong collar. Last night she sat in her crate for almost 45 minutes. No matter what, she's here to stay & she is so darn cute!!!!! That tail is really precious - thank you so much for all your e-support!! Joanne & Sophie:) :) :) :)