Why does this not surprize me
typical! every single time i get up from the sofa, suki immediately moves herself into the warm spot, and every time i get in the middle of the night, she immediately moves to the warm spot i've left behind in the bed. i simply scoot her over a little bit when i get back and thank her for keeping my spot warm for me!
Mine BOTH do that. I return to the couch or bed to find TWO basenjis, curled up together, in my warm spot. They sure are clever when it comes to their own comforts.
ah so cozy…
Just came back from getting a drink & Sonny has stolen the heated blanket on the couch! :rolleyes: Gezzz you would think I didn't share it with him! :p
Okay am I the only one confused why you even thought that was YOUR sweater? :)
LOL He cracks me up sometimes .. In bed it's horrible I make sure i don't have to get up because with the 3 dogs all squished up next to me not only is it like trying to get out of an opscale course .. But i lose my spot everytime LOL U would think they would sprawl out since it's a king . But nope apparently it's really comfy with 3 ft of bed left over LOL :)
if it's food, it's mine,
if it's chewable, it's mine,
if it's interesting, it's mine. -
and last of all- if it isn't mine, it will be mine