Kell of the Graham 8 is growing up

  • Wow, big dog. Where did you get him from?

    I feed mine 2 meals a day and at least 3 snacks/treats to prevent Cara from vomiting bile.

    LOL on the toys, I told someone every night it's like picking up after a toddler. I put them all back in her toy box, by night a good portion are out again. If I weren't so tired I'd teach her to put them back.

    My dogs go to bed on their own (in my bed). Only Sayblee would never get under the covers til I went to bed, no matter how cold my room is. Cara goes under but most the time leaves her head out to watch meโ€ฆ just in case. Arwen.. pffff, under the covers fast asleep with or without me.

  • suki demands to go to bed at 11pm. she just gets up from the couch or from whatever she's doing and goes and paws and whines at my bedroom door. i plop her up into the bed, and she makes herself comfortable.

  • Kell was one of 8 pups rescued by BRAT in Graham Texas, all were dumped by back yard breeder at a kill shelter. We took him to foster with a possible adoption, but after just a few days, we knew he wan't going anywhere. Had to be sure our old grumpy male Cory would let him live, and after a very bad beginning, they get along fine now and nap together on the couch. We have always fed once a day, with treats during the day for going into crates when we leave for work, when I am home for lunch and they go back into crates and treats at bedtime, so no one starves here. We have been lucky in 36 years as B slaves not to ever have a B with a sensitive tummy.

  • I love Kell stories!!!!

    I have a huge B girl that's 30 lbs. She'll be 8 in a couple weeks and the vet told me she was a bit overweight and could lose 1 lb! Like that's even worth it!!!:)

    On the other hand, I have a tiny male that's 20 lbs soaking wet!!!!๐Ÿ†’

    When we are out and about, people think the male is the female and vice versa.

    Mine wait for me to go down the hall and follow like velcro after about 5 PM. This goes on until I actually go to bed.

    Again, I love Kell stories! I picture a happy, funny, clown that is full of love and baroos! Please continue to share!

  • Yes Kell is full of baroos, a very bass baroo, he sings with the kong in his mouth, a funny sound to be sure. He is a love, no alpha in him. We wonder what he would of become if he had been loved and handled from day one as we handled our pups when we were breeding our Bs. He comes out of his crate, wriggling and wanting to be loved, while the others head straight out the door to take care of business. Our youngest B girl, is Sidhe (Shaye) and if she weighs 18 lbs soaking wet that is a stretch. but she and Kell play, chase each other, she jumps over him or goes under if he gets too close. If she gets snarky with him, he just plants one big paw on her head and down she goes. Who needs TV when you have moving entertainment in your house!

  • @deschroedter:

    Yes Kell is full of baroos, a very bass baroo, he sings with the kong in his mouth, a funny sound to be sure.

    oh wow you must tape it and share!

  • Lovely to hear how your pack are doing ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Simon was 30.5 pounds at the vet when we took him for neutering. Lean and heavy, that's our basenjipony. He'll likely gain another pound or so. Since Curie was 19 at her HEAVIEST, this has been a bit of a change, especially for me! 31 pounds is not exactly so easy to just scoop up when the pizza guy comes to the door ๐Ÿ™‚

    Omg, the toys here are ridiculous. We do the same thing, put them in the bin, he strews them around, repeat. It's like he thinks the floor is a big etch a sketch and we "reset" it for him to decorate.

    Kell sounds terrific ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Hi, it has been a shock to the system to try to carry this boy anywhere, it is a 2 handed grasp and then lift with the knees. Sidhe is still a one arm scoop up.

  • Basenjipony. Snort. I like that.

  • pics of said fat B?

  • Houston

    LOve your stories of Kellโ€ฆyes, I would love to see pics too.

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