wrote on 23 Sept 2010, 09:50 last edited by
I consider myself very lucky to have two Basenji Breed Club Shows within approx 1 and half from me !!!!
Makes a change, and I don't even have to touch the M25 carpark !!!!, and being a soft southerner I can't cope lol !!!!!!!!!. Scott you and the Northerners are very dedicated lol !!!!!!!
Or mad lol
wrote on 23 Sept 2010, 12:11 last edited by
Try googling the venue, I saw a pic of it this morning, it does look big with parking for 100 cars.
I have also had a look on Google Maps and it should be ok as long as the bowling green, tennis courts, football pitches and children's playground are not all in use when we are there!
wrote on 23 Sept 2010, 12:34 last edited by
I have also had a look on Google Maps and it should be ok as long as the bowling green, tennis courts, football pitches and children's playground are not all in use when we are there!
We will probably be inside Steve! It's a pity we can't use the KC venue at Stoneleigh but I suppose that would be very expensive.
We used to use a venue near Silverstone which was owned by a Boxer Club (in the 80's) I wonder what happened to that?
wrote on 23 Sept 2010, 19:36 last edited by
It's a pity the new venue's further away than Brampton. Too far for an open show for us i'm afraid. Probably travel for the championship show though.
wrote on 23 Sept 2010, 21:48 last edited by
Yes it's much too far for us too.
The BCGB is fast becoming an Eastern club rather than Southern! It was the original club intended for all Basenji owners who at that time were mainly living in the South of England. BOBA was then started up as the Northern Club but again didn't live up to the promise and so the NBS was formed. There has never been a Scottish Basenji Club so how about it folks!!!! There was once an attempt to form a Midland Basenji Club but this was abandoned.
Jess, the show held near you was a BOBA show and we have discussed holding it there again as it was a very good venue.
In my opinion these shows (BCGB and BOBA) shouldn't always be held in the same area. Another breed with which I'm associated move their venues regularly to cater for all (mind you they only have one show a year).
wrote on 24 Sept 2010, 18:41 last edited by
It would be better if the venues were moved to make it fairer. We accept we have to travel for any breed shows anyway but it would be nice if they weren't all held so far south every time. The NBS is the nearest and that's 4 hours away! A Scottish Basenji Club sounds a good idea…who knows what the future holds.:)
wrote on 24 Sept 2010, 18:58 last edited by
As good as it sounds, i really doubt that a Scottish basenji club would ever get enough people to function - look at how difficult it is for the rest of teh clubs to make their shows pay. Now, perhaps a scottish branch of the Northern club show would be an idea, so we could still hold events in scotland….i know thats what a few breed clubs do. But i still think we would need a good few more active basenji folk up here to make it worthwhile.
wrote on 24 Sept 2010, 22:23 last edited by
I agree Scott, it will take some time to generate the interest required but a Scottish branch might just be enough to start things rolling. Only ideas right now but worth exploring should interest in Basenjis grow north of the border.:)
wrote on 24 Sept 2010, 23:47 last edited by
I'm looking to a future Scott, with all you newer Basenji breeders now, when there are many more dogs and owners in Scotland - after all the Scottish numbers have certainly improved. The distances you all have to travel to shows are horrendous in my opinion.
At present there are too many clubs for the numbers of Basenjis being shown - it's exceedingly difficult to get good Committee members as I well know! Each club has come to a point at sometime when there is/was a real shortage of people willing to serve on committees. The NBS worse than all as it has twice almost closed for want of a secretary - Connie and I decided to propose Les and now the club has gone from strength to strength.