Regarding your comment "He can hold his pee all day". I know that this can be a problem with humans (kidney stones). Just a thought - could holding pee all day lead to problems in dogs? How much water does Buddy drink? Is he intentionally holding his pee?
He's not a water drinker unless it's warm and we're out on a walk or at the dog park. I have to put it in his meals. Holding it is a problem as water needs to cycle through and keep the bladder flushed. He is outside all day so he can go. Also you want to feed more wet than dry. Also there is a list of oxalate producing foods you'll want to avoid like:
Vegetables ~ beets, eggplant, leeks, sweet potatoes, okra, pepper
Greens ~ green beans or peppers, beets, celery, collards, eggplant, parsley, spinach, Swiss chard, chives, endive, kale, leeks, okra, rutagbega, summer squash, sweet potatoes, tomatoes
Legumes ~ beans, soy products including tofu
Grains ~ wheat germ
Nuts ~ all
Seeds ~ sesame and tahini
Fruit ~ berries, currants, concord grapes, figs, rhubarb, lemon, lime, plums, tangerines.