Well we had our appt today with Michigan State University. They did a whole bunch of tests, she was there all day with them, but we did not do the ultrasound yet because I didn't have $800 available to do everything. They did a Biochemistry profile, Complete Blood Count, Bile Acid's test, and Leptospire Antibodies test. We got all of the results except the Lepto because that takes a few days. Anyway, it's definitely her liver and we will be doing an ultrasound as soon as I can come up with the $400. They are supposed to call me as soon as they get the lepto results. I also got a sample of a different food (Royal Canin Hepatic LS) which Layla has taken a liking to right away. That was the most I've seen her eat in a week probably. I also got three scripts for her…SAM-E Ursodiol and Lactulose. I called my regular vet and he advised me to wait to fill them until they review the reports which should only be a day or so.
It's also a possibility they may want to do a liver bioposy after the ultrasound. Although, we don't have a definite diagnosis I was very pleased with the University. I'm hoping to have the ultrasound done within the next week or two...hopefully sooner because they did confirm that it's her liver not functioning properly and not something else causing her liver to malfunction.