May we introduce Malaika
wrote on 28 Feb 2010, 10:52 last edited by
Hi Shelley,
She is adorable and I love the name:D
wrote on 28 Feb 2010, 18:22 last edited by
Ohhhhhh, this face :p, she is gorgeous!
wrote on 28 Feb 2010, 19:27 last edited by
Do you work with Gorillas Andrea ?
I'm glad you like her name.I did, before the kids were born :)
wrote on 28 Feb 2010, 20:14 last edited by
wrote on 28 Feb 2010, 20:27 last edited by
Welcome little one!!!!
She looks too cute!
wrote on 28 Feb 2010, 20:29 last edited by
Congratulations Shelley, you have a little beauty there. Her name is fab too.
wrote on 28 Feb 2010, 20:49 last edited by
wrote on 28 Feb 2010, 21:07 last edited by
Hey, she has really cute face. I want more and more pics of her :D.
wrote on 28 Feb 2010, 21:11 last edited by
Thank you Irena, i feel like i am going to turn into the biggest bore on here ;)
wrote on 28 Feb 2010, 21:30 last edited by
Yes Jess she does have a hernia, thanks for the advice, Elaine has told us to gently push it back. I massage it with my finger and have managed to get it in twice. How many times a day do you think ?
I'd do it as much as possible, just when you're giving her a cuddle. My pug Delilah had a very large hernia as a pup but with lots of regular sessions of pushing it back in it closed up and has not been a problem since. She just thought she was getting belly tickles and loved it :D It wont go away so easily if it is an "open" hernia (where the intestines (i think) are coming out through it) and that would need an operation but it only looks like a little one so hopefully it will go with time anyway :D
Love the last picture of her, what a gorgeous face!!
wrote on 28 Feb 2010, 22:36 last edited by
She's beautiful, Shelley and I hope you have years of pleasure with her. Re the hernia - I agree, just massage it and push it back whenever (as frequently as you can). This often works but don't worry if it doesn't - it's not really important. Very rarely they cause a problem.
wrote on 1 Mar 2010, 01:07 last edited by
Very cute! Congrats to you! Keep the pictures coming!
wrote on 1 Mar 2010, 13:08 last edited by
Shelley..she is so darling..She was so worth the long wait.
Her name is really unique, I love it.
I can wait to see her grow up..lots of pictures please..
What does Tom and Jerry think of her?
Again, Congrats on you new baby.Otis had a small hernia too, but massaging it several times a day made a huge difference, it is much better to almost not visible anymore.
wrote on 1 Mar 2010, 14:25 last edited by
She is lovely Shelley - i hope you have many happy years with her
wrote on 1 Mar 2010, 15:56 last edited by
Congratulations on the new baby. (My Bryn is her great-grandfather).
wrote on 1 Mar 2010, 16:32 last edited by
Again, thank you everyone for your responses.
Petra, we have to watch her closely with the Cats, as yet she's still a bit wary as i don't think she'd seen Cats before but she's getting bolder by the day.
Tom is a cool laid back Cat and is very tolerate when she's sniffing him and pushing him along like a train, he's slapped her a few times but is quite gentle.
Jerry is rather nervous and has exploded in her face a few times.Lisa what is Bryn's show name then i can find him on her pedigree. One of her great Grandads is Jolly Swagman who was my first Basenji's Grandad.
wrote on 2 Mar 2010, 22:42 last edited by
Great pics!!! Congrats on a beautiful B!
wrote on 3 Mar 2010, 15:50 last edited by
Congrats Shelley!
Great to see CoCo's sister!
Having 'puter prob's at home so logging in at work!
Catch up again soon,
wrote on 3 Mar 2010, 17:05 last edited by
Just for the record :) half of our dogs have umbilical hernias, and I have done the massage back into place with every one of them as a puppy…it has never worked :) Open hernia just means that the muscle is separated, and if it is small..just a little fat has poked through. A closed hernia would be one where the fat has poked through, and then the muscle closed, so there is still a blob, but no possiblity that anything else could slip thru. Only a large, as in large hole, not fat blob would carry the risk of intestines slipping thru.
I had Blondie's fixed at one point when she had her teeth cleaned, because it was big enough that I was concerned about it in the case of pregnancy. Turned out we never bred her, but the correction was super simple.