Puppy chronicle - Zelda
Great vids, she's a lovely Pup
AW!!! So CUTE! What an adorable Half Sister to Maverick Heheee
Glad to see she is doing well! Oh, and I can confirm that she can sound exactly like a seagull…
Here are some pics of her & siblings at the breeders, for anyone interested(I have more, will upload them eventually...) - http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=372459&id=713475586&l=971b85c2a8
Glad to see she is doing well! Oh, and I can confirm that she can sound exactly like a seagull…
Here are some pics of her & siblings at the breeders, for anyone interested(I have more, will upload them eventually...) - http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=372459&id=713475586&l=971b85c2a8
The pic with all four is adorable… Cute cute cute puppies... I want them all! :D
Glad to see she is doing well! Oh, and I can confirm that she can sound exactly like a seagull…
Here are some pics of her & siblings at the breeders, for anyone interested(I have more, will upload them eventually...) - http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=372459&id=713475586&l=971b85c2a8
Hiya, Static :) I love that pic of the four of them. Maybe I was out of the room when it was taken. I hope Dreamer is still doing well!
Oh my gosh,I just watched the video that is really cute!
I'm trying to tell myself not to get a second puppy yet, but wait a year - and that's hard enough!
You should wait as long as you can… Because once you have that pup... you have to wait very long before adding another.. you can't keep adding a pup every year... (Or you don't mind having 16 of them :D)
Well.. that's what I'm telling myself :D :D
Lovely pics of Zelda.