Made up our minds
That's great! I hope you can achieve your dreams in 2010!
It's funny.. There is a professor in Utrecht and she lives part of the year in South Africa with family of her and they also have an Ostrich farm. First thing she said when she started her collage was: If you ever want to visit, you're all welcome in Africa.. gg.. But you do have to help on the farm :D
Best wishes on your new adventure!
I wish you both the best and hope one of the two looking at your ship will say we want it and buy it. Sounds like all of you are going to have a great time having a farm and feet on land all the time. I like Germany never been there but my father's side is from Germany they all came over way back when things were so bad in Germany. Was funny when I would vist my great grandparents house you did not speak Germany in there house and if you did they would always say how did you learn that trash. Now my brother-in-law was teaching German at college in Alabama now he's head dog as we say at college.
Rita Jean
Wishing you best of luck Kim and Kas…sounds like 2010 will be a adventurous year for all of exciting.
I know you've made the right decision on where to make your dreams come true..follow your heart.
Good luck..let us know all you plans and pictures, pictures, pictures please...(once you get there of course ;) ) -
That's great! I hope you can achieve your dreams in 2010!
It's funny.. There is a professor in Utrecht and she lives part of the year in South Africa with family of her and they also have an Ostrich farm. First thing she said when she started her collage was: If you ever want to visit, you're all welcome in Africa.. gg.. But you do have to help on the farm :D
You can take Tillo with you!!! :D
The people from one Ostrich farm in Germany have a Ostrich farm in Africa too! :DHow exciting for you! What a big change in your lives; is Kas ready to be land-bound? You will probably still keep a boat so you can go sailing just to have fun.
He is sailing from a fifteen year old, so he won't have much trouble living on land :D
The both of us do have issues sometimes, when we are on land we sometimes think we "move" a bit (with a ship you always move a little bit…)@Rita:
I wish you both the best and hope one of the two looking at your ship will say we want it and buy it. Sounds like all of you are going to have a great time having a farm and feet on land all the time. I like Germany never been there but my father's side is from Germany they all came over way back when things were so bad in Germany. Was funny when I would vist my great grandparents house you did not speak Germany in there house and if you did they would always say how did you learn that trash. Now my brother-in-law was teaching German at college in Alabama now he's head dog as we say at college.
Rita Jean
Germany is doing much better now, but you still can see the results of the bad times. Many older people still search every trash bin they see.. (look for usefull material, especially around the places were ships stay the night)
It's weird to see people with expensive bikes looking at trashThat's great you found the place :). Do you already know in which part in Germany it will be?
We hope to end up around Porta westfalica (Nordrhein-Westfalen)
You can enter "porta westfalica" at google, then you can see some pics! -
I loved Germany while I was there. I lived in Baden-Wurtemburg in the town of Schwaebisch Hall and then in Bayern in the town of Lengfeld just outside Wurzburg. There is no better place on earth to have a young baby.
We once visit Wurzburg! We were sailing to Ochsenfurt am Main :D