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Alone training

Basenji Training
  • I think you have a great plan. A lot of people feed their dogs seperated or alone, some in their crates others in a different room. I think he will be fine..

  • That's a tough call…

    I had posted back a while when Liyah was home about a month about her not eating...this is the link:

    Granted, things are different in my house because I have 2 adults. But I found that by only associating eating with her being left alone, Liyah wouldn't eat.

    Otherwise, she was great in her crate…and pretty much always has been. On occasion, she'll cry, but mostly she is content with kongs, squirrel dudes and Dental Dinosaurs. I can leave her with her meal now, but when she was a baby, she wouldn't eat.

  • Things aren't going very well. Actually, I think he is getting worse.

    I decided being alone with every meal was not a good idea, it didn't take long for him not wanting to go into his room to eat. So now I feed him with the door open, and with me at home. Instead I just leave at "random" times.

    He claws at the door constantly now, and yesterday I think I see blood in the markings. And one of his toenails is far more red than the others. Looks like he managed to scratch down to the blood spot in his nail (I forget what that area is called).

    So I went back to using the baby-gate, I increased the position of it so he can't jump over (he has managed to jump and lift himself out), or crawl under. The increase in height didn't work at all, also it looks VERY SCARY what he is doing on the video, I think there is a risk he could hurt himself.
    This is filmed this morning when I went for my breakfast run to the store:

    So I am a bit stumped. I don't want to use the baby-gate anymore, that's for sure. It works as long as I am home, because he acts like he can't get out, but once I am not there he goes for the jump! The door and listing is starting to look very bad, and I know the more he claws at it the bigger the chance is it will start to splinter, which will most likely result in giving Gizmo a bad splinter.

  • How about two baby gates, stacked one on top of the other…

    We figured if ours ever learned to get over the gate that is what we would do.

  • @ComicDom1:

    How about two baby gates, stacked one on top of the other…

    We figured if ours ever learned to get over the gate that is what we would do.

    Take it from one that has actually uses this set-up - it doesn't work 100%. Liyah will either scale both baby gates or will body slam the lower one a couple of times 'til she eventually gets thru. Once the gate is body slammed the first time, if it holds and isn't reset immediately to its original position, the next slam is usually enough to do the trick. BTW, we're not talking cheap $10 gates.

    The only way for me to 100% stop Aaliyah is an actual door. :rolleyes: If I see her actually make a move toward the gates, if I say her name as I see her picking up speed toward the gate, she will look at me and it throws off her timing. She is super responsive to looking at me when I say her name - part of her training that paid off. The problem comes when I'm not watching her - but isn't that always the problem :rolleyes:.

    The one thing in our house that we are still amazed at - Brando was the one that broke his leg - and we have a kamikaze like Aaliyah. Besides scaling double dog gates, she dive bombs off the tops of chairs to pounce on the other dogs when they are playing. It isn't dull in our house!

  • It almost sounds as if Gizmo is starting to get separation anxiety. Have you tried going back to crating him (use a bigger than usual size)? You might have to contact a behavior trainer (but find one that has worked either with basenjis or sight hounds).

  • Yeah, that's what I am worried about..

    But I would think being in a room would be more comforting than in a crate. His crate is pretty big (Size Medium: 76x54x61 cm), and I do keep it in his room as well.

    Hm, maybe I should go back to the crate and have him in it while in his room?

  • What a great escape artist! :O

    I've owned different breeds, and now only owned a Basenji for 3 weeks and from what I've seen with my Benji if there is somewhere he can not get to, he simply just wants to get there. Basenjis are real funny that way. He has not figured out how to get down wooden stairs to basement and it just kills him that he can't. Too funny.

    Anyway, I had a baby gate blocking stairs to the 2nd floor. It worked a few days, then I came home and the bunji cords holding it in place were chewed off.

    Due to stool problems (switching foods) I had confined him to a room (laundry room) for a few days just until he's stabilized. Yesterday I came home, my underwear were on the floor, he had chewed his brand new retractable leash in half, opened the closet door and pulled down some hangars, chewed some of my daughters crocks, and clawed the door frame like mad.

    I somehow think these little guys just want to feel free and know that they are not confined. My Benji just HATES when a door somewhere is closed even though he does not want to go in there.

    In your case, if he is being super destructive to your home or himself, you need to crate him and go from there. Crating is not a bad thing, you can make it very warm and cozy as if his bed. You might even want to make it is permanent bed and leave it open when you are home so he just sleeps there.

    Good luck no matter what you do!

  • Here is a great article on crate training. Maybe it will help you to get Gizmo more comfortable with being in his crate and ease his anxiety when he has to be alone.

  • Oh, suddenly there is life here again.

    I have started to use the crate instead of having him in his room when I leave. I think I should get him to settle down in the crate before moving up to the room.
    Gizmo doesn't mind the crate, and will happily be in it even if I lock it. He goes in there himself to chew on bones etc. It's just when I leave the appartment/room the problem arises.

    I have ordered Homeopet Anxiety, but it takes a long time to get here. As well as D.A.P. spray to use in his crate. I am hoping they will help.

  • If he likes his crate, I would work with that. Make sure he spends more in it while you are visible and also while you're in another room. You can also get DAP as a wall plugin - which I think is better than the spray as it is emitted constantly and consistently.

  • Some dogs view the crate as their personal little safety zone. The crate is a small area that, to them, is like the den wild animals use as home. Perhaps the smaller area is more comfortable to Gizmo than being left alone in a large room, like a newborn baby who feels secure when snugly swaddled. It is not cruelty to crate a dog if that is where he is comfortable.

  • @wizard:

    If he likes his crate, I would work with that. Make sure he spends more in it while you are visible and also while you're in another room. You can also get DAP as a wall plugin - which I think is better than the spray as it is emitted constantly and consistently.

    I know about the DAP plugin, but the spay seems more useful.
    DAP products only last 4 weeks, and for that short duration and the price they are asking I can't afford using the collar or plugin products. The spray seems more "bang for my buck" since I can just 2xspray in his crate every 2-3 days, or when I have leave for a long time.

  • Well I just got the Homeopet Anxiety Relief today, and have given him 2 doses. 1 in his water, 1 in his evening meal.

    Says I am to give 3 doses a day (5 drops each dose), but he seems pretty darn relaxed just after these 2 doses. Wow! I am very surprised!

    Going to be exciting to see how he is tomorrow when I go shopping.

  • GOD! I can't take this much longer!!!! (yes I am writing this while frustrated, please forgive me. I have to get this out).

    Gizmos separation anxiety is effecting my life. I can't go outside. I can't go visit friends. Just going out to buy food has become a race, I have to plan what I want to get and run to the store and try to be a fast as I can. If I find out I have forgotten something, I just have to wait til the next day to try again, because leaving 2 times a day Gizmo goes crazy, and pukes.

    I had to CANCEL all other family dinners this xmas (we usually go to familys on the second and third day after xmas), because I can't leave him alone!! I was seriously depressed. And for New Years I missed everything because I had to stay with him.

    On xmas day (day after xmas, forget what it's called) I had to DRUG him! I hated having to resort to drugs, but on xmas I put him in his crate while everyone was at dinner and as well when the time came to open gifts. I couldn't have him loose, because my sisters kids are scared of him. :(
    Eventually he started running in circles in the crate, and biting/chewing at the bars. Crying and whining. He got his jaw stuck several times between the spaces and SCREAMED in pain. Started panting, and shaking.

    And today (yesterday now…lol) I had a friend over, I put him in his crate so we could watch a movie. He went crazy again. Spinning in circles, panting like mad. I didn't have the heart, or the patience to wait til he calmed down. So instead I put him in his room, with the babygate. More room to move in I thought, and this did help for a little while.

    But it didn't take long for him starting to trying to dig his way out of the babygate, trying to jump over only to fall and yalp in pain. Then he started chewing the babygate bars....and got his jaw stuck, and he SCREAMED. I jumped out of my chair and ran over. He looked pale and was shaking like mad, and screamed as I reached out to touch him... It was SO heartbreaking.

    So I had to drug him (only 1/2 a pill this time)...just to watch a damn movie!!!! I am so frustrated I am almost gonna cry. I don't like the thoughts I am giving him up...sigh, but I love the guy...I can't do that.

    I can't afford the professional trainer, because thanks to the bills of his bloody stool thing with all the tests that followed...I couldn't even afford buying xmas presents for my family...they actually bought stuff to themselves from me. I have never felt so "poor" in my life. It broke my heart.

    And now I have to get his teeth pulled because they won't fall out and are causing problems as his adult teeth grow in. I can hear "grinding" as his teeth rub against each other, and he is clearing having problems and constantly making funny faces.

    I have been trying to get him get used to be in his room more often. Leaving him in there every day for 1-2 hours. He has never gone nuts before. Sure he will whine and cry, but never start biting and clawing. And I am sitting right outside the door, so he can see me. He would calm down after 20 minutes or so. I really thought things where going well. Until today. I guess he really wanted to be a part of the fun or something.

    The tips I have read on the internet have helped very little. Most of them focus on giving him something like a filled Kong or Buster cube to keep in occupied as I leave. But Gizmo drops everything the instant I close the babygate. And only 100% focuses on wanting to get out. No matter what I give him.

    The Homeopet anxiety drops are not doing a thing. I am waiting for the D.A.P. collar, so I really hope that will help. But I might also have to use the Diffuser as well to give him a higher dose.

    I just ordered a book on Preventing/treating separation anxiety on dogs, since I can't afford the professional.. God I hope that book can help.

    Sigh sorry for my ranting…. You guys are like a shoulder to cry

  • Have you talked to his breeder?

  • @tanza:

    Have you talked to his breeder?

    No. Never crossed my mind. Why would I do that?

  • We know how you feel! Our boy has major separation anxiety that he cries being in his crate in the car about an arm's-length away (MAJOR work in progress!). Like the others in previous posts, he does stop crying after a few minutes and starts again as soon as he hears the key through the door. Fortunately we have family that looks after him when needed. And if there's none, we do leave him at home, alone, in his crate. It's been going well as long as he gets his long walk before, to empty and tire him out at the same time. However in the months when my mom's visiting and she's at home, we absolutely cannot leave him in the crate if we need to go somewhere where dogs are not allowed. He goes nuts when he knows there's people around and he's in his crate. Also known as nonstop crying/whining and destructive chewing.

    We do admit however that we screwed up the crating part, which isn't AS bad.. could be worse. And we're still working on it and hoping that he'll one day realize that it isn't so bad. crosses fingers He goes to his crate when we're home as long as it's not shut, when asked or even voluntarily. He doesn't chew on an already chewed up blanky we leave in his crate. He's been eating the treats we leave in there too, unlike before where he totally ignores it. He even destroyed his kongs (2) and not even eat the treats in it. He's improving, we know we just gotta be REALLY patient. :)

    I've always felt that it's the confinement that he can't stand and that if we were to leave him alone, not crated he'll be fine. But that's just me.. my boyfriend does not think that at all. He thinks that we'll go home with chewed up furniture, if we were to even try that.. and I don't have the courage to test it yet. :( I have tried it in short increments of say maybe 5-10 minutes while doing laundry and he's waiting by the door when I get back. :)

    I agree with Tanza, get some feedback from your breeder. It should help you in one way or another. Talking to Arlene (our breeder) about this issue we have with Kairoe made us realize that we did screw up on the crate training.. and it made it worse because maybe Kairoe was like his mom who does not like the crate either. Of course it's not as bad as how our boy dislikes it, but we've seen how she is in it.

  • He doesn't hate his crate. He goes in on his own, and sleeps happily in it. Even if I close him in while I am at home he will accept it. As long as he can see me. If I turn a corner, he will start whining.

    I have been thinking of getting a different crate. One of them "airplane" crates with plastic walls, so he doesn't have the chance of getting his jaw stuck like he is doing in this wire one. And perhaps larger, although a larger crate would look awful and dominate in my apartment.

    Anyways, after sleeping on it. I have decided to buy some duct-tape and tape up the smaller spaces between the bars on the babygate, the parts that he gets his jaw stuck between.
    As well as upping the floor heat in his room, while keeping the rest of the house "colder". Perhaps his built in Basenji heat seeker will direct him to staying in there, and he might enjoy it more.

    I'll send an email to my breeder today and see if she has anything helpful to say.

  • Tillo really hates.. or hated.. to be left alone.. That's why we bring him to doggy daycare or to my mom when we go out.. A couple of weeks ago we left him and Lycia alone twice for about 30 to 60 minutes and I got it on camera….. Tillo didn't do anything.. Lycia kept walking around, but Tillo was sleeping.. Don't know what happened there.. Maybe it was because of Lycia? That he's not really alone anymore?
    I don't know why I'm telling you this.. but maybe it gives a bit of hope?

    I also wonder how tired Gizmo is before you leave him? We are about to leave Lycia and Tillo alone for maybe 30 minutes.. but we just walked them for two hours.. So we just know they are tired..

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