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Makes you wonder

Basenjis For Sale or Wanted
  • Yes, its all a nightmare for the dogs, sold to anyone with $$$ and no health care
    for the pups, and for the moms even worse.
    Breaks my heart.

  • @AJs:

    Would that be synonymous with "Puppy Mill" by chance? Reminds me of a sign I saw next to the highway a couple days ago just east of Harrisonville, MO. There were six or seven different breeds of dog listed on the sign with "Puppies Next Right" and a phone number. I couldn't reach my camera or I would have taken a photo to share here.

    Great! :mad: Just like having a fruit stand along the highway. "Pull over dear, let's get a basket of strawberries and a badly bred puppy". :(

  • That one was located between Creighton and Harrisonville just off MO Hwy 7 at Rainbow Rd. They didn't list Basenji, but I wish someone would check them out. I'll be willing to bet the dogs are housed in the big yellow steel building. I don't remember the exact breeds, but there were several breeds of small dogs and at least 1 of large. Some sort of Lab if I remember right. I sure wish I'd had my camera handy!

  • @AJs:

    That one was located between Creighton and Harrisonville just off MO Hwy 7 at Rainbow Rd. They didn't list Basenji, but I wish someone would check them out. I'll be willing to bet the dogs are housed in the big yellow steel building. I don't remember the exact breeds, but there were several breeds of small dogs and at least 1 of large. Some sort of Lab if I remember right. I sure wish I'd had my camera handy!

    You can contact the ASPCA.

  • Sadly, in come areas, having dogs kept this way is no different than keeping hogs or sheep…
    They can do anything they want with "lifestock".

  • That is not that far from me I can go look Thursday or Friday. I will see what I can find.

    Rita Jean

  • So sad, yet so common..

    Since it has become such a hit to carry small dogs in purses/bags, the toy breeds, newly invented or older breeds will die out in popularity for a long time, many BYB, puppy mills and the like can squeeze even more dogs into a cage or building, because of the small size of the animal..thus it is even more so a moneymaker. Have you seen the prices on some of these designer breeds..outrageous..
    ..we can give thanks to the hollywood peeps, media and breeders supplying is a viscious circle…and in my opinion, they are not even cute...

  • I totally agree - whenever I see ads for the small dog carrier-purses and this lady has her mini-mop dog in it I just want to puke.

  • Rita Jean, do let us know what you find out.

  • Ms. Rita, if you're down by Wichita, that's over 180 miles from you…you sure you want to do that?

  • I do not live near Wichita, I live ontop of Kansas City, Mo. I go through Harrisonville, Mo all time going to granny's house. 71 Hwy and south on 7 or 13 are my neck of the woods. Let you know what I find Sharron.

    Rita Jean

  • Sorry…I Googled Prairie Village. Maybe I spelled it wrong. Was going to offer help if you still wanted to go that far.

  • I know why you thought I was near Wichita when you googled Prairie Village it came back near Wichita. Good old Kansas has two counties in it with the same name Prairie Village. One is Butler county near Wichita and I an in Johnson County.

    Rita Jean

  • So, will you be able to go look at this dog?

  • Sharron on Thursday or Friday I will drive down and see if I can find the sign and the yellow building.

    Rita Jean

  • @sharronhurlbut:

    So, will you be able to go look at this dog?

    I am confused? AJ said that he saw a sign for puppies for sale with different breeds, but not Basenjis? As in it was a puppy miller?

  • @AJs:

    That one was located between Creighton and Harrisonville just off MO Hwy 7 at Rainbow Rd. They didn't list Basenji, but I wish someone would check them out. I'll be willing to bet the dogs are housed in the big yellow steel building. I don't remember the exact breeds, but there were several breeds of small dogs and at least 1 of large. Some sort of Lab if I remember right. I sure wish I'd had my camera handy!

    This is one I am talking about looking at. See breeds and how they are cared for. Don't have anything else to do over four days.

    Rita Jean

  • The signs were sheets of plywood painted black with white writing on them. I was headed westbound and there wasn't anywhere to pull a big truck off. Amish folks drive their wagons and carriages on the shoulders along that highway a lot.

    P.S. (Tanza….he's a she.) :)

  • Thank you Belinda, gives me something to do. Off subject we have been a little down at our house three weeks ago my best friend found out her husband has cancerlevel 4. He wanted to go home to die and he went home today now just wait not eating or drinking just keeping him asleep.
    Back to subject this will be good for me to do never know what I might find. Yes that part of country is full of horses and buggy's.

    Rita Jean

  • Sorry about your friend's hubby. It's never easy, is it.

    I'm judging a book by its cover on the puppy thing, but from what I've seen on these forums, a sign of puppy mills is more than a breed or two, cheap advertising and having "pups available" on demand. With all the breeds listed on those signs, I immediately began to wonder…

    As I said earlier, though, I did not see Basenji listed among the several breeds on the sign. (There were 6 or 7 breeds listed.) The yellow building is one of those steel buildings you buy then they come and put it up in a couple hours. You can see it from the highway, but (again, not sure) it might not even be THAT property on Rainbow Road.


24 Nov 2009, 02:53

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