Nobarkus, do you remember the ballyhoo over the "Hole in the Ozone Layer?" We all had to give up CFC propelled aerosols, change our vehicle paints and revamp the entire industrial sector of our economy. Refrigerators, freezers, air conditioning systems, you name it…all had to be changed. Who made a buck off that?
Now we know the ozone layer not only cycles just like every other part of nature, but is replenished with every lightening strike. I was a schoolgirl at the time and I still remember the hysteria over this. At the same time, there was a huge push to make everyone believe direct sunlight is bad for people. Newer research has shown we need direct sunlight in order for our bodies to make vitamin D, which has a great impact on bone strength and the immune system.
The point is that we have been subjected to various hysterias over time. I have become numb to most of it. I believe our friend Al Gore, among others, is in line to make tons of money over this global climate change nonsense. That's what this is really all about.
My wish in this life is to be left alone to make my own decisions with regard to my life and how I choose to live it. Unfortunately, that is unacceptable to people who crave power over others. These are interesting times, yeah?