Cairo at first ate from 8-2pm every day….little amounts, lots of pee and poop.
He is 12 weeks old today and he eats 1 cup of dry food every evening at 5:30pm. He poops once in the morning before work, and right after eating, and once about an hour later.
Diet makes a big difference in the amount they poop and their coat and general health. I fed Caesar Eukanuba Premium Performance for years before Beta came down with her irritable bowel disease.
Most of the basenji owners I know feed their dogs Innova dry food. Extremely healthy and you have to buy it at a feed store. I use Natural Balance Duck and Potato dry or wet for my guys. It is a no preservative, no soy, no wheat, no rice, and no corn product that is made for sensitive dogs. It is a complete diet from puppy to adult. I swear by it, super stuff!!
Cairo is eating as much food as Caesar. I keep Caesar very lean and healthy. 1 cup is all they need with an occasional treat.
You are right though. there is a point where they start gobbling food and then they can hold more and eat once or twice a day. they are funny after they eat! little round bellys!