Excessive licking
Has anyone been treating their grass in your area? Or laying down a type of pesticide? You might want to consider this as well.
I've been thinking about this for some years now. I saw a gardener spraying weed killer on a lawn the other day while walking Buddy. I know they treated the grass at the dog park I used to go to as well which which made me worried because Buddy is a grass and mud eater.
Often food is part of this issue re dogs and licking.
What are you feeding? -
Actually environmental allergies make up 90% of dog allergies, so it is unlikely to be food.
My dog isnt a B but he is allergic to grass of all things, he licks his toes and gets hives on his chest in long grass.You can try washing their feet after they come inside to wash away any allergens and you can try 1-2mg/lb of benedryl pills to help discomfort.
It may be worth looking into allergy tests from your vet. -
Thanks everyone for the answers but I think I have it figured out. I bought some new treats for them the other day and didn't read the ingredients (for the first time ever) and the treats have wheat in them and they are broken out with hives. I know the hives will go away with time, but I can give them benedryl for discomfort? I will also keep in mind about the grass and other allergies if this continues.
Thanks everyone for the answers but I think I have it figured out. I bought some new treats for them the other day and didn't read the ingredients (for the first time ever) and the treats have wheat in them and they are broken out with hives. I know the hives will go away with time, but I can give them benedryl for discomfort? I will also keep in mind about the grass and other allergies if this continues.
Yes, it is safe to give benedryl
I disagree about 90% of dog allergies being environmental. In my experience, it has been food related 60% of the time in over 20yrs with Basenjis and mostly grain related and/or processed foods. Maybe with other breeds it could be more environmental?
I'm not sure its breed specific, that percentage is from a vet who deals quite a bit with allergies in dogs.
Im glad you found the culprit! hope they feel better soon!
I totally agree with Tanza about food allergies - the vet who gave you that percentage may not have the experience that some of us with Basenjis have. I personally don't have a great deal of experience with varieties of other breeds so certainly couldn't presume to disagree with the vet in that respect.
Benedryl is heaven sent to my ichy boy…
I keep plenty on hand.