Major issues
I had a similar situation with Cody when I first got him. One of the things that helped was that I put an old sheet in his crate that smelled like me. I slept on it for one night before putting it in there.
I don't have to crate him regularly anymore, but I still put it in there (wash it once a week, sleep on it for a night, the put it back in there). I also still put his favorite treats and new toys in there instead of giving them directly to him. Now he willingly goes in his crate when he needs some alone time away from Moe (or my family :) ).
wrote on 27 Aug 2009, 04:07 last edited by
We got chill pills from the vet too. they did not change the personality( although the first time we dosed it was too strong so we lowered it and that was ok) it is about 20 cents a pill and we give one a day. It was AMAZING the difference it made. we started out with 3 a day and it was way too much … went to 2 a day and now are down to one a day. just helps them be very much calmer and less anxiety. sometimes i think i would like one but it really helped..... was not expensive and made the worry much better.
wrote on 27 Aug 2009, 11:50 last edited by
What happens if you just leave her loose when you are gone?…. Have you tried that?... is there a way you could leave her in an area that is gated off from the rest of the house... ?....
Oh no I don't think we will ever try that! I think our couch or entertainment center would be chewed on. In this apartment we have a small laundry room but we have never tried to leave her in there. We are at the point we will try anything.
wrote on 27 Aug 2009, 11:52 last edited by
I had a similar situation with Cody when I first got him. One of the things that helped was that I put an old sheet in his crate that smelled like me. I slept on it for one night before putting it in there.
No we haven't tried this either but I think she would rip it into small pieces. BUT we will try it as well.
wrote on 27 Aug 2009, 11:59 last edited by
Just an update– Today when my husband leaves he will block off both doors so she can't make her way to the carpet.Hewill also put some wood down on the floor so maybe she can not move as easy as on the tile. Also, I started training her with another crate we have. last night she eat meal #2 in front of it and will do the same for meal #1.Wish us luck!
No we haven't tried this either but I think she would rip it into small pieces. BUT we will try it as well.
Cody put holes in the sheet, too, and he still does it, but it's his to shred at will, and it keeps him from getting ahold of anything that he's not allowed to shred or chew. (He also prefers shredding jeans. He seems to like the nice, loud ripping noise that they make ;), so he has an old pair of jeans in his crate as well.)
We got chill pills from the vet too. they did not change the personality( although the first time we dosed it was too strong so we lowered it and that was ok) it is about 20 cents a pill and we give one a day. It was AMAZING the difference it made. we started out with 3 a day and it was way too much … went to 2 a day and now are down to one a day. just helps them be very much calmer and less anxiety. sometimes i think i would like one but it really helped..... was not expensive and made the worry much better.
"Quiet Moments" is available over the counter, and it's a calming pill as well. I think it works pretty well. It doesn't change their personality or make them act "drugged".
Sounds like you have several good new things to try. I will keep my fingers crossed that today is a better day.
wrote on 27 Aug 2009, 13:26 last edited by
When I first acquired my previous basenji the breeder suggested putting paper towels in the bottom of the crate (she can tear them up to her hearts content and even if she eats some if shouldn't cause problems) and to give frozen marrow bones to keep her occupied. There are also lots of interactive toys available that also keep her occupied.