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My pregnancy

Behavioral Issues
  • I wanted to share my pregnancy time with my dogs, with you all!

    I have one month left with my pregnancy, the dogs really made some changes in the last months.

    They are a bit less naughty with me (during walks, and playing) with Kas.. hahaha they don't :D
    From the start, they wanted to be near my tummy.
    Just sit on my lap for hours and just "be" close to me (I didn't know that they could me more close than they already were!)

    They sometimes want to "listen" and lie their heads on my tummy.
    Reactions of the dogs AND the baby are great!!! (I can feel the difference between a happy kick, angry kicks, sad kicks etc) and the baby gives me very happy kicks when the dogs lie on my tummy ;)
    With Hailey (the Ibizan princess) it's really sweet, I think she has some mommy feelings too..
    When she put her head on my tummy and the baby won't react that instant (you have to know, that the baby wants to sleep also some time during the day with a mommy, a daddy, 2 doggy brothers and a doggy sister that wants to feel the baby so much)
    Hailey moves her head a bit, slowly and sweet just give some little belly rubs with her head and every time, the baby reacts on her…
    When it does, Hailey will keep her head still and just enjoy the kicking... :p

    I'm a bit restless the last weeks because I have to take it slow but I won't because I can't..
    I want to do my own buisness, train the dogs, the intire house hold, my personal things and even my sport (my sport, I have to give that up a few months ago, I only do some light sports on the wii :D)
    I'm very hyperactive and I am just not comfortable when I can't do my normal things or let others take over it..
    I really have to take it slow and the dogs are feeling it!!!

    It's very strange, I have a close connection with them and they seem to feel me very well.
    When "they" think I have to take it slow, they just come and sit with me, mostly a part of their body on my lap.. They just know I won't move them away but I hug them..
    Sometimes they just come to me when I'm working, walking or standing, and they lean towards me or even let themselfe hang against my legs so I will go sit down to hug them..
    They really DEMAND me to sit and take a rest..

    They also feel it better then usual when I have a bad day (when the baby is restless, or I slept really bad) they will take a quitte day, don't do naugty things, take a lazy day and demand lots of hugs from me..

    And really cool is, when we sail away in the morning I will go back to bed with Buana (Chafuko and Hailey always come to the wheel house upstairs with Kas) Buana normally sleeps behind my knees, but since a few weeks he sleeps before my tummy.... (normally he really never want to lie there)

    I'm very proud on our pups, and it's great to see everyting we did to let them be a part of everyting worked out...
    The dogs are our most important things in life and before we tried to become pregnant we did a lot of research how to do it right with dogs and a baby (and pregnancy)

    The whole thing together, makes me smile big time...
    They like the baby already and the baby sure like the dogs :D

    I am a bit unsure from caracter and I have to say that I keep thinking it sexciting how everyting works out..
    I keep saying, we are 100% dogpeople, with 4 kids already (3 dogs and a cat) there only comes a little human- pup sharing the first place..
    I was told by friends and family.. I said that over a million times and everybody knows.. our dogs aren't just "dogs"
    I know that but it just has to be a nice change for them..
    Well... I'm always thinking too much.. but I just love my dogs too much... :D

  • We're all excited for your new baby! The dogs certainly know the baby's coming and you've done the ground work on preparing with the dogs. It'll all work out great! We can't wait to see pics of the dogs and baby.

  • Your all ready a great mom just adding to the family. Big familes are nice take it easy.

    Rita Jean

  • Thank you so much for sharing this with us.
    You have done a great job in letting the dogs know that something is about to change the dynamics of your family, but it won't mean that you don't see them as part of the family. They have already felt the baby and sensed the change in you and your body, now the fun part is almost here..the new baby. The dogs will love it as their own little pup.

  • Who knows since the pups have been listening to the baby never know baby and pups may have lots to talk about mom and dad maybe be on the outside looking in.

    Rita Jean

  • It will all work out great! You are almost to the end…and then the hard work starts ;) I felt the same way you do, when we had our first child..and already four Bs. I said 'how can I possibly love a baby as much as I love these dogs????' but you will be is not that you will love the baby more, but in a different, but similar way. The baby will rely on you in a way that dogs never would...and you will feel responsible for the baby, even more than you do the dogs...but in a great way.

    The only advice for you I have is this: relish the time you have feeling the baby moving around, memorize how it feels, so you can recall it years is the thing (the only thing) I missed about pregnancy after it was over. And I even had "phantom" moving around feelings after Ethan was born.

    I am so excited for you, and your family :) Keep us updated!

  • I second it about the baby moving around nothing like it in the world. Yes hard part starts the second little goes into the arms and could have been the start of gray hair. Just joking. I have to say in our house kids, dogs, cats and bird all go hand in hand. Best to all of you and the best is yet to come for you.

    Rita Jean

  • Kim, you cant imagine how happy I am for you guys, allthough I told you severall times haha, I almost had to cry when I read your story, allthough you allready have told me most of it , I love you guys !!!!

  • Kim, that was a wonderful description of your feelings and your pregnancy. You are a great mom already, adding a 2-legged kid will make your family complete. Enjoy these quiet times.

  • :) That's a wonderful post - I smiled through the whole read. :)

  • Thanks all so much for you very sweet reply's :) I'm so happy to read that all!

  • What a wonderfully told note about your pregnancy and your dogs. I loved being pregnant….all but the last few weeks when I was impatient to see the baby. I babysit our little grandsons, mostly the 3 year old. Cory and Jayden are very good with him...especially Cory, who is always glad to see Anderson.

    Since dogs have such good hearing, I wonder if your dogs can hear the gentle "swish swish" sound of the baby's heart beat and the blood supply going to the baby? I'll bet they can and think it is a very soothing sound. That may be one reason they like to have their heads next to your tummy.

    I'm excited for you!

  • Good Morning Buna and babies well at least it is morning here. Hope you all have a nice easy and restful day.

    Rita Jean

  • Thanks Rita Jean :D it sure was a beatiful morning here (Germany, Near "wesel")

    I think you're right Pat, I was told they hear the heart beat very good, so after this 8months it's a calm sound that they already know about..

  • Good Morning not so very pretty here in Kansas this morning. Sky is kind of a gray overcast but we could use a little rain. I was just wondering are you packed and ready to go? When I had our daughter I think I must have packed my case two months ahead of time.
    Just a question of do you know what your having and the name? Lots of people like to know ahead of time and then some make everyone else wait and see.
    Hope all of you have a great day get a nice book and just take it easy.

    Rita Jean

  • @Rita:

    Good Morning not so very pretty here in Kansas this morning. Sky is kind of a gray overcast but we could use a little rain. I was just wondering are you packed and ready to go? When I had our daughter I think I must have packed my case two months ahead of time.
    Just a question of do you know what your having and the name? Lots of people like to know ahead of time and then some make everyone else wait and see.
    Hope all of you have a great day get a nice book and just take it easy.

    Rita Jean

    Oh yes! The room was done before I was 6 months pregnant… (well, the room itselfe was done at 3 months... all the needed "things" were complete at 6 months :D)
    Since a week, I have a emergency suitcase standby.
    Also written a couple of pages for Kas, I know he is going to get crazy when I""start" so I wrote some things down (wich suitcase, importants phone numbers, what to do when I started etc)
    I took all the important papers and documents, and put that together with the little note book.. so when it's time.. he don't have to be afraid he will forget someting.. (well, he may drive away to the hospital without me but with Hailey instead.. ahummmm hahaha)

    We already know what we are having, we wanted to know that before we went to buy little clothes and some other things.
    We keep it a secret :D we think it's nice to have something as a surprise :D
    A friend of us knew it also, bought all sort of clothes and what turns out? she got a girl instead of a boy!!!! hahaha So I always say we know for 90% what we are getting!

    About the names.. we wanted to have kids for a longer time (but wanted to wait untill the time was right) and always thought of "Hope" for a girl and Lukas for a boy..
    But both names were used soooo many times, it's not special anymore...

    So we have new names, both English names... I think they are very nice...
    Part of our choise for those two names is because they are from a serie on tv we really have a connection with...
    Also Hailey got her (new) name from that serie...
    The caracters of the names fit very close to our own, and the strange thing is..
    We first came up with those names and after we thought yes! that are great names" we thought about the serie, thats what made our decision clear!.. Very weird but so cool!

  • That is really great your all ready and you really did it early. With our daughter they could not tell what we were having so all of us had to wait. We did not think we were every going to have kids so this was like were did you come from. My husband and I just made up our minds that was ok just could do more in life.

    When it came to names we had so much ground to cover it was hard so both of our children have three names and there last name.

    We knew what we were having with our son and that made it a lot easier to get the room ready and the clothes. The only bad thing was we could not pass clothes down to the next one.

    A friend of ours had made each of children blankets out of yarn that we used to bring them home in. I took the clothes and booties and blankets and had porcelain dolls made to look as much as could be as my children and put the homecomming clothes and blanket on them. Hopefully someday when I am a granny I can pass this on.

    Well we are not gray in Kansas anymore it is raining cats and dogs here but thats ok.

    Rita Jean

  • Lovely post. I too, smiled the through the entire read. Pregnancy is an amazing experience. How the pups respond to it make it even more so. Looking forward to hearing about when the new little one arrives.

  • @Rita:

    A friend of ours had made each of children blankets out of yarn that we used to bring them home in. I took the clothes and booties and blankets and had porcelain dolls made to look as much as could be as my children and put the homecomming clothes and blanket on them. Hopefully someday when I am a granny I can pass this on.

    Well we are not gray in Kansas anymore it is raining cats and dogs here but thats ok.

    Rita Jean

    Wow! That sounds so special!!!

    We did not have any rain today, that's good for us since the boys painted part of the ship today!

  • OMG….what a GREAT story. I'm so happy for you and the new addition to your family. Please keep us posted on the family's progress.

    It sounds like your fur-babies are as much into this as the rest of the family. That's WONDERFUL!! IMO, they really do feel our emotions, react to our hormones/bodily smells/biological changes, and 90% of the time, respond appropriately.

    Bless you dearest new mother to be. You're in my prayers. Keep us posted.

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