About the recommendations you find on food bagsā¦ honestly... I thing it is Twice the amount then a normal dog needs... way/way to much.... and of course if it has lots of calories... then doesn't matter... it is going to put on the weigh. And last but not least... I totally agree about set feeding times... period... they have X amount of time to eat... if not eaten... it is gone till the next feeding time.
Totally agree - Your eye should be your best guide to the amount your dog needs. I find Tilly puts on & loses weight really quickly - keep the same quality of food, just reduce the quantity.
Yesterday i went down to see one of the "pups" i bred - a dobermann bitch i bred 13.5 years ago (the best one i ever bred but she was never shown, just a loved pet - isnt that typical?)- when they opened the door this enormous thing waddled out - i thought it was the old girl - no, it was a 3 year old dobermann bitch they got last year as a companion for her. Honestly, she could lose 25 pounds and it would hardly show. I know she gets plenty exercise but obviously portion control had gone out of the window. So i read them the riot act - am going back next week to see if its made a difference!