Dear UK & Scots members, a plea
Well Thank you ALL for all the warm wishes.
I did indeed arrive safe and sound… but homeless. Hhee. Oh yes, all my nicely made plans gone! ;) So I will be running about like a mad person trying to get something lined up, not exactly what I envisioned a week before school is starting. I'll try to be in touch as soon as I can.
Lauren -
Well, for this evening, I have managed to find a friend of a friend's floor to sleep on. After Friday, who knows!?
Ahh ok hopefully you will find something before Friday then.
Wow, Lauren..I wish you the best of luck to find something quickly and troublefree.
No worries guys!! I think it's all a part of being a student once more. =) I'm not too worried, well not yet at least. Thanks for all the well wishes.
I do have one question, perhaps someone could enlighten me on..Is is terribly difficult to let a flat with a dog here in Scotland ? I never ran into much trouble in Switzerland and France, but I'm a little out of my element at the moment.
Checking in again.. you all are so marvelous for your well wishes! They are greatly appreciated.
I'll be honest and say that things have not gone too smoothly. In fact my director of studies was so innapropriate at our meeting that I almost went home to San Francisco yesterday. It seems there has been a massive misunderstanding with University and I was placed in the wrong year. So there is some sorting out to do… add that with needing a flat - well you all can see there has been some serious stress.
But, now I have a hotel, I think I'll just book it up for a few weeks so I can have some semblance of stability. So consider me available for rendez vous from here on out =)
Lauren, I am so sorry things have turned out so sour.
I sure hope you find a solution soon and that your time in Scotland will be good time spent among friends.