Thank you thank you for the great advice and direction toward OFFA! I actually researched that information somewhat before I went to visit, then asked to make sure what was on the site was true from Kyle and Steve's mouths! Everything checked out so far with them–no health issues whatsoever 🙂 So exciting! Blah, this will be the longest 4 months of my life, methinks!
Just introducing myself. I'm Colleen and Mango is my 2 and 1/2 year old red and white basenji. I'll download his pic once I figure out how to perform that function. I'll typically lay low on the site but will engage if asked a question or need help with a basenji topic.
Don't these crazy dogs just make you laugh out loud?
Welcome to the forum!
Welcome Colleen and Mango! We'd love to see pics.
Hello and welcome to the forum:D
Welcome to the forum.
Welcome to the forum!
Welcome to our pack! An until you can get the photos loaded, tell us more about yourself and especially Mango.