R/W Female in NC, 4 months, in need of a new home
wrote on 16 Apr 2009, 13:20 last edited by
What a wonderful happy ending!
And Marc, if you can keep in touch with us while overseas then you can live vicariously with Mia and all her new beastie friends.
You will be in our prayers and we hope you come home safely (and thanks for serving in our place). -
wrote on 16 Apr 2009, 14:11 last edited by
Hi Everyone….
I spent the afternoon doggie shopping for Mia. I am so excited I could hardly focus. A friend of mine took me to all the right places. She was the leader of our pack. LOL
Personally I am not a big fan of the color pink but I know a R/W Basenji looks great in pink. Needless to say alot of the items I purcased incorporated shades of pinks. I even purchased a pink & white tee shirt that says LIttle Princess.
After our little shopping spee, I went to a restaurant and had an ice tea. I should say a Long Island Ice Tea. That is just what I needed to calm myself down.
We are so thankful to Marc for choosing us to be Mia's new mommies. I can't wait to pick her up. Saturday can't come fast enough!!!!:) -
wrote on 17 Apr 2009, 01:39 last edited by
If you send me your e-mail address, I will give you some tips we have to help you bond with your new b.
brescue@wavecable.com -
wrote on 17 Apr 2009, 11:34 last edited by
I am sorry that we didn't get a chance to meet. I can't believe how everything is working out. Marc's step mother is probably fifteen minutes away from where we live. So far everything is falling into place. :) -
wrote on 25 Apr 2009, 14:20 last edited by
Has anyone heard from Lisa?
wrote on 25 Apr 2009, 18:57 last edited by
Hi Vicki and everyone,
Mia is doing quite well. She was pretty sick last Sunday and Monday. She had very bad diarrhea and vomiting. I already had a vet appointment lined up for Monday morning. The vet said she was in excellent condition and probably picked up some bacteria before coming to me. He gave her something for her diarrhea that worked quite quickly. We felt so bad for her. All she wanted to do was rest. I need to bring her back next month for the rest of her shots. She was to sick to get them. Also she will need to be spaded next month. I am also thinking about getting her micro chipped. What do you all think about getting a dog micro chipped?
She has done quite well with crate training. When I go out she goes into the crate. She also was sleeping in the crate next to our bed at night. Every night she would whine and I would take her out. As the week progressed she started whining more and more. I am sure it was because she needed to go out as well as not wanting to be in her crate anymore. Last night I caved and let her sleep in her bed on our bed. Amazingly no whining. I believe Mia won on this battle. :)
She is the hit of our neighborhood. She has received some special toys from my friends in my community.
She is very precious and she puts a smile on my face every single day. -
wrote on 25 Apr 2009, 19:22 last edited by
Hi Lisa, I am Lissa's friend from across the bay! Welcome to the wacky wonderful world of basenjis. I'm sorry she had a bug, hopefully she will feel better soon. Basenjis often win the bed battle, they really are pack animals and want to snuggle with the rest of their pack.
All mine are chipped, I would recommend they do it while she is 'under' getting spade, it's a big needle and she won't even know it. Basenjis are known to run far and fast, wherever their little noses lead them, so even with a collar and tags, a chip is good insurance toward getting your dog back if they get out.
Welcome to Forum, and hopefully you can join us some Sunday at the park. I'm sure Lissa is looking forward to meeting Mia, and her girls too!Anne
wrote on 25 Apr 2009, 20:01 last edited by
Yes, for sure have her chipped…. However.. they can migrate, so it is good to get the check every now and again and make sure they can be found.
wrote on 28 Apr 2009, 13:42 last edited by
I'm so happy for you and sorry Mia was ill. I love that Mia worked her way into your bed. :p My Bs love to sleep with Mom and I adore having them curled up next to me. Isn't it true how the Basenjis fascinate people who don't know the breed? Please keep us updated about your Basenji experience. -
wrote on 28 Apr 2009, 18:30 last edited by
What do you all think about getting a dog micro chipped?
Last night I caved and let her sleep in her bed on our bed. Amazingly no whining. I believe Mia won on this battle. :)
She is very precious and she puts a smile on my face every single day.
I got my boy microchipped when he was neutered. It didn't cost much extra & I like the extra sense of security I have now. Although, as Tanza said, they do wander. Dallas' started out on his shoulder blade & now is more in his front thigh. If that makes sense. The vet said it is not an issue now but if it keeps moving towards his chest, she will have to remove it & replace it in a better spot. However, it is still completely worth it.
Welcome to basenji ownership 101. They are so darn persistant when they want something. Dallas sleeps in my bed & is quite the bed hog! Also, he must sleep under the covers now! Once you give in, there is no going back. Haha.
So glad it worked out so well for you & that she makes you so happy. I look forward to seeing more pictures of her!