I dont think they'll ever forgive me for buying this bundle of naughtiness
Poor things dont get a moments peace with Maya around :rolleyes:
Maya noticed Lilah had a pigs ear…

She tried to annoy Lilah into handing it over by hitting her…

That didnt work, so we tried a different approach..
Sit and watch

Slowly slink down

Lilah growled at her so Maya had a mad 5 mins running around the sofa and rolling over :rolleyes: Then tried again… from yet another angle...

Slinking down again… Paws at the ready! 

Grab it and pull!! 

Who do we think will win? The pug or the basenji?? Bearing in mind the basenji weighs about 1/3 of what the pug does….

Pug or Basenji???
…... It was never in doubt was it?