I'm very excited because Travis and I may be adopting a BRAT basenji!
His name is Billy and he is currently fostered in Iowa.
Here's his link:'ve been speaking with the coordinator (Ann, who is great!) and am in the process of scheduling a home visit.
Travis and I have been keeping our eyes open for a possible companion for Shelby and their personalities seem perfect for each other.
Any insight on bringing a second B into the home would be super helpful. We're a little nervous but super excited.
I am so glad you are trying to adopt a BRAT! He is just the sweetest looking little guy. :D Does Shelby usually do good with other dogs? I do know from reading posts here that usually opposite sex dogs do better together, so that much is good…
Hi Lisa,
We like Billy because he seems to love other dogs as much as Shelby. She LOVES other dogs. If she sees one across the road she will stand on her hind legs to get a better view. She looks like a gopher :) it's really cute. They seem to have the same play tendencies too. Shelby will push another dog to play. If they ignore her, she tries harder. I think they will get along really well. I hope so!
Keep us posted on Billy, I hope to see pictures soon!!!:D
I tried to Adopt Billy and Wally (Billy's brother) back in November. Unfortunately the animal shelter they were at (before they were fostered) was not willing to adopt outside a 50 mile radius. I was at most a 4 hour drive from the shelter.
I'm glad they made their way to BRAT, but I was displeased with the eagerness of wanting dogs adopted yet picky about location.
I hope you guys take home Billy. He seems like a wonderful Basenji. :)
Did you meet Billy?
It makes me sad that they are brothers. I definietely can't have three! Oh my.
Did you meet Billy?
It makes me sad that they are brothers. I definietely can't have three! Oh my.
Never had a chance. I wasn't going to make the 4 hour drive only to be rejected. I was told right off the bat that they wouldn't even consider me.
I hope everything works out for you and Billy. :D
What a handsome boy!
Hope it all works out: adopting from BRAT is an awesome choice!!
He's adorable! Congrats and good luck! Keep us posted on how it all goes!
What a great dog.
Awww, what a great little guy! Looks like his brother is no longer listed.
Sharron H has great advice about bringing rescues home, and integrating them with your current basenji. She did a sticky, but is also great about answering questions. Check the sticky here: adopted Bongo sight unseen and went through some tough transition with him and Fiji but they're great buddies now, and Sharron was a great source of info and support.
Congrats :D
We are getting Billy!!! Yay!!!
I'm very excited…and nervous.
Crossing my fingers he doesn't chew up my new couch :) hahaI could use a little advice.
1. Billy hasn't been destructive in his foster home, BUT he is kenneled along with the other resident dogs while the family is away. Shelby, on the other hand is hardly ever kenneled and has the run of the house. I'm afraid if I kennel Billy (if he's destructive whcih we can work on of course. Shelby use to be destructive), Shelby will have a heart attack and try to break him free. I'm planning on taking a few days off to hang out and get a feel for things. Any advice is welcome though!!
2. Shelby has access to her food all day/every day and eats when she pleases. Billy is fed twice daily. We would prefer to free feed. Do you think Billy could acclimate or will he most likely gobble all food in sight up and not share?Edit: Billy's foster mom is recommending I kennel him during to day to avoid destruction.
We had been told that Bongo was destructive, but he was also very anxious in a crate. Fiji is free all day.
We left Bongo out with Fiji and left for an hour, then 2, then 4 etc and he's been fine all along. The only time he destroys stuff is when we're home :eek: and not paying enough attention to him - and generally if I've been too busy to give them as long a walk / park time as they should have.
Again, Sharron will be a great resource here. Hopefully she'll weigh in.
Oh and Yaaaayyyy!!! for you and Billy! Can't wait to see pix.
Congrats! Post many pics when you get him. I'm glad someone from here adopted him. :)