Magic elves?
Would you prefer the more taditional plastic poop?:D
I've seen more than one Basenji that looks like it has eye liner on…..........hmmmmmmmmmmm?????????:) I'd watch that make up case.
Don't forget the ever popular cotton jersey wrapped 'underwear poop'!
Bboy-and a little mascara too :) :) BWAAHHHHHHHH
I bet if the author of Marley & Me had a basenji that book would have had TONS more to write about LOL LOL :D :D
yeah, instead of one best selling book, it would have been a series, turned into a movie trilogy!
Don't forget the ever popular cotton jersey wrapped 'underwear poop'!
Is that like the shredded bedsheet wrapped poop?…...for clarity.:)
Curious minds?????:D :D :D :D
I can't decide which is the funniest - the donkey, the wood/plastic poop or the very vivid cotton jersey wrapped poop. So descriptive, _so _hysterical!
LOL! This is just too funny! I wonder if the magic elves leave the tissue poo piles in my yard? I do believe this may vaguely resemble bed sheet and cotton jersey underwear poop. ;)
The way he is so helpful when building puzzles…let me see that one you won't miss think I'll eat's just another blue chunk of carboard yummy!
I can chew on this red one so it will fit where the blue one went...then looks you in the eye like what did I do? -
My boy, Magnum, says:
"I am using this writing implement at the moment. I may be chewing it now, but I shall be writing with it later, as soon as I consume this most delicious, meaty-looking end off of it. Why would you take it away? Could I trouble you for some paper? Toilet paper will do nicely. My memoirs, I guarantee, will be epic."