We currently have a Chinese student staying with us for three and a half weeks in a cultural exchange program. The students are home with us every evening and weekend and at conversational English classes/field trips from 9 - 4 each week day.
We hadn't planned to have a student here, but the night before they arrived {so, AFTER he was already on the plane} they needed an emergency placement because something had gone awry with the family scheduled to take him, and we just happened to stop by the coordinator's house for a moment…... the next day we had a Chinese boy!}
Needless to say, our 14 yr Student - American name "William" {thanks to the foresighted English teacher in China, they all came with names we can pronounce!} -- is a bit overwhelmed by our family of 8, with 3 dogs, and 2 cats.
He's adapting pretty well, adjusting okay to the dogs, though he is still a bit cautious. I know he thinks we are extremely odd for not just having three dogs, but for having them in the house and for having a dog cage take up almost an entire room. :p
Anyway, these kids traveled light - he only brought his school bag and one large backpack for clothes. He brought 3 pair of socks. Just 3.
So, yesterday he forgot to close his bedroom door. Keoki took advantage of that golden opportunity . . . . to eat 2 pair of William's socks. :eek: :mad:
You KNOW William has to be wondering why we don't just throw the darned dogs into the stew pot!! But he was quite gracious, and accepted the 6 new pair of socks I bought him, even though the quality was no where near that of the socks he'd brought with him -- I looked everywhere in my small town and just couldn't match the quality of those socks. I'm hoping his mother isn't too annoyed, though I have to think we've committed some kind of offense.
We still have 2.5 weeks to go. I wonder what else the dog will do before then?