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Operah doing a show on puppymills

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  • I am all for it. The more discussion we can do re responsible breeding the better.
    I am shocked at in this day and age, folks think its ok to "breed" just any old dog…why, because they have one and they CAN!
    But back to Oprah...
    I am distressed however that even tho the show hasn't aired, folks are going off on it not being balanced.
    I mean, it very well could be slanted with anyone breeding painted as a villian.
    But until we see it...well, it does seem to be a bit premature..

  • @sharronhurlbut:

    I am all for it. The more discussion we can do re responsible breeding the better.
    I am shocked at in this day and age, folks think its ok to "breed" just any old dog…why, because they have one and they CAN!
    But back to Oprah...
    I am distressed however that even tho the show hasn't aired, folks are going off on it not being balanced.
    I mean, it very well could be slanted with anyone breeding painted as a villian.
    But until we see it...well, it does seem to be a bit premature..

    That is true, however, she is already being quoted as saying that she will never "buy" another dog… and that is a direct hit to responsible breeders.. making a blanket statement

  • If that is the case, then it is something that SHOULD be addressed.
    IMO, if it wasn't for responsible breeders doing all they could to get our b's to be of good temperment..
    and now working on the health angle to get them to be as longed lived as they could be..
    Well, I wouldn't be able to enjoy my 2 beloved dogs.
    While other rescue groups have breeders who bring the breed down IMO german shepards, who can't even walk! again IMO
    My breed is one that has folks who are looking to the future for the dogs and the families they place the dogs into.
    Yea, I know, sounds like I am sucking up..and some folks have said that to me.
    BUT really…without good breeders...where would our dogs be???

  • It's on today. I saw previews of it yesterday while watching Oprah (the preganant man :rolleyes:) and honestly I don't think I can sit through it :( Just watching the clips I was already in tears. DH took the remote & told me…who are you kidding? You can't handle that :confused:

  • Okay seriously…that one guy had wheels for his dogs to "get exercise". They are dogs not gerbils!!! OMG I was balling while watching those poor puppies/dogs dying to get out of those tiny little cages.

    The one thing so far that I don't like about this episode is how they keep calling the puppy mill owners "breeders". I don't think that goes over well for individuals who decide to go buy a dog since they are now relating puppymills to breeders. Although they did have that AKC statement about responsible breeders...

  • I think the show did a GREAT job getting the point across that buying a puppy from a pet store or online is buying a puppy from a puppy mill/supporting puppy mills…and thought it was great that the message was repeated over and over again. The segment on the shelter euthanizing animals was brutal to watch but soooo important that they showed it. I was really surprised that the Amish are heavily into the puppy mills, I didn't know that.

    I really was impressed and think the show was done REALLY well. I was impressed about the discussion about responsible breeders and I loved how Oprah said she was interviewed about what kind of home she would provide for her dogs. While it would have been good to have more time spent on that subject, I liked that the Humane Society people were saying they weren't concerned about the responsible breeders, because they take their animals back if something doesn't work.

    The whole thing was very interesting and well done IMHO. Having someone of Oprah's influence do a show about it is only going to help things I think.

  • I agree. I think it was a very positive show & I hope people now try to get better laws to govern puppy mills in their states after seeing the conditions that are actually legal!

    I also agree, they touched on responsible breeders & mentioned that you should always go visit the breeders before buying a puppy to know the living conditions that the mom is kept in. All in all a great show that I hope sparks movement for better treatment of dogs being used for breeding!

  • Oh I am just watching right now about a place that kills 40 animals PER DAY…just sickening. It was SO sad to watch, there was one dog just struggling to avoid being brought into the room, just heart-breaking. And you imagine the guy that has the job of condeming all the dogs the night before, can you imagine how you must feel going home from work day after day knowing what you did all day long...its gotta be awful. I just tuned in right now, so I am not sure what else was shown, but it makes me want to go grab Tosca and just cuddle her up!

  • And actually if you go to and look at the section about the show today, there is a link on there that talks about responsible breeders as well.

  • I have worked in the killing room at the shelter and it is just heartbreaking.
    Most of us go into rescue to help dogs and killing dogs is awful, tho is does happen very quickly for the dog, and if your calm, a lot of stress on the dog is avoided…
    but having this shown on Oprah helps because maybe it will wake up those who think its ok to breed "just because they have an intact dog". Ie puppymillers or bybs.
    Also, those of you who have seen this dog being killed will understand when I "go off" of folks who don't want to spay/neuter pets.
    Having done that, I can tell you, the idea of someone being "stupid on toast" is totally unacceptable. Hopefully, this show will help folks decide to get the pets fixed and get the dogs they love from responsible breeders.
    I think its wonderful she did this, and hopefully, others will follow her lead!

  • Too bad that they had on the person from HSUS. They are the biggest pushers of the mandatory spay/neuther laws that all the states are being pressed into passing. This doesn't address most of the biggest reasons that dogs wind up in shelters… and will NOT fix the problem... help it, of course... the right thing to do for people... YES!!!.. solution for the problem... NOT...

  • Laws won't work, but Pat, we do need folks who have 2 dogs who are just pets to get them fixed.
    Even if they are "purebred" pet quality, they need to do the right thing and have those animals fixed.
    I did like the show.
    I wished they had promoted quality breeders more, but all in all, it was a start.

  • I thought it was good too. I missed part of it though…but I DID catch the president of the HSUS clearly say that responsible breeders are NOT the problem. And the leader of 'Main line rescue' corrected Oprah, in that buying a puppy from a responsible breeder is not a problem.

    I can understand that Oprah may feel that she never wants to get a dog from anything other than a shelter again...that is her perogative. It peeved me a little that she suggested that everyone else should do the same...I guess that would be great if almost everybody in major metropolitan areas wants pit bulls or bully mixes.

    And yeah, are right...your average pet owner needs to spay and neuter, no question about it. You wouldn't believe how many of my clients in the rural parts of our area have no idea why it would be a good idea to fix their pets! It isn't that they plan on breeding them (some do) but they just don't know why they should spend the money.

    There is a large section of the US population (probably not in the Bay Area) that just don't understand how and why unfixed animals affect pet overpopulation, nor do they care. Maybe coming from Oprah, they will hear the message.

    But..yeah...more education...less legislation....

  • I thought the show was good too, it was just so sad to see that place in Fort Worth…I wish I had seen more of the beginning of the show. Tonight while taking a walk I actually encountered someone who said, "Hey thats a Basenji!" He had had one when he was young. I was totally impressed and excited until he said I should breed them cause I could make lots of money. I said, no I don't think that would work, cause she is spayed and anyway I wouldn't want that responsibility and our house would not be good (no fenced in yard, etc). His next comment was, " well you could just keep them in a shed or garage or something and only breed in the summer." I am like are you kidding? Just the thought of putting my adorable, cuddly little Tosca banned to a garage for shed for breeding is horrible. That conversation ended quickly.

  • We will have to educate folks one person at a time I think.
    It just makes me sad that we have some "so called" educated folks who think its ok to breed for pets.
    NOT breeders who find the best dog, add the best bitch and then have litters who are placed before they are born…but the ones who have a
    dog and think, yea, lets have puppies.
    I guess its like rescue, we work on saving one dog at a time.
    Education the public, well, that is also one person at a time.
    I wish both were a "quicker" fix.

  • @sharronhurlbut:

    Laws won't work, but Pat, we do need folks who have 2 dogs who are just pets to get them fixed.
    Even if they are "purebred" pet quality, they need to do the right thing and have those animals fixed.
    I did like the show.
    I wished they had promoted quality breeders more, but all in all, it was a start.

    I agree people need to spay/neuter.. and not just people that have more then one dog… intact one dog owners are just a likely to have a "surprise" opps... from a neighborhood dog...

    As far as the President of HSUS... he talks a good story, and even though he claims "responsible breeders" are not the problem, why is it then that he promotes restrictions on breeding by responsible breeders along with 500.00 to even keep your dog/bitch intact per year? As in CA1634 that you can bred ONCE a dog and bitch and then you have to spay neuter...

    Laws are not the way to go.... and it is good that the public sees "puppymills" and were these pet store puppies come from... but in the end it is education... and the fact that we are a "throw" away country... buy and dump...

    I agree it it a start however....

  • Pat, your right, folks who should know sometimes have "oops" litters. Then dump them..
    I know of a breeder questionable who has one oops every year!
    I don't think people who are new to the breed realize how much b's, when they come into season, want to "make puppies".
    Some, well, they just use it as an excuse.
    For me, working with the general public, having a fixed dog is what they should have.
    I am hopeful that some of the folks who come into b's with "ideas" of having litter for "friends" can be educated out of it…
    But I have to tell you, I am getting more and more jaded to think these folks will learn. Seems they like to be uneducated.
    Its a "want what I want" now society, and someone like me, picks up the "litters' who are unwanted.
    Sorry, just having a bit of "down" now...

  • Pat and Sharon, I don't think it's just the new breeders anymore. I'm seeing more and more established and elderly breeders breeding litters every year because they have "puppy people" but are not even breeding to improve the breed, just breeding because "this dog and this bitch are available". It makes me very angry when I have been researching for a long time on what dog is right for my bitch and what dog compliments and can better my bitch's features and then these other people breed because they have "puppy people". I hope you understand what I am saying. I'm not trying to rag on any one person, but the collective group.

  • @sharronhurlbut:

    Pat, your right, folks who should know sometimes have "oops" litters. Then dump them..
    I know of a breeder questionable who has one oops every year!
    I don't think people who are new to the breed realize how much b's, when they come into season, want to "make puppies".
    Some, well, they just use it as an excuse.
    For me, working with the general public, having a fixed dog is what they should have.
    I am hopeful that some of the folks who come into b's with "ideas" of having litter for "friends" can be educated out of it…
    But I have to tell you, I am getting more and more jaded to think these folks will learn. Seems they like to be uneducated.
    Its a "want what I want" now society, and someone like me, picks up the "litters' who are unwanted.
    Sorry, just having a bit of "down" now...

    I think I "know" that Opps breeder that you are talking about.. and too bad too, cause they had/have a good mentor…. sigh.... and yes, some people use it as an excuse.. period

  • @nomrbddgs:

    Pat and Sharon, I don't think it's just the new breeders anymore. I'm seeing more and more established and elderly breeders breeding litters every year because they have "puppy people" but are not even breeding to improve the breed, just breeding because "this dog and this bitch are available". It makes me very angry when I have been researching for a long time on what dog is right for my bitch and what dog compliments and can better my bitch's features and then these other people breed because they have "puppy people". I hope you understand what I am saying. I'm not trying to rag on any one person, but the collective group.

    I hear ya…. but on the other hand.. think of it this way.. if they do have puppy people (and good homes) and they are health testing, breeding good temperaments, have contracts, take back pups... honestly... I am not sure I have much of a problem with that... if the people getting pups are getting healthly, well socialized pups... that is a good thing... and still, think about.. they might be breeding cause they have puppy people... but I would venture to bet they are still not making money.. if doing it right...

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