First Attack
At first I thought it was that dog on the Conan O/Brien show! I agree…I like the crossed paws. He is a devilish looking Santa.
I dunno….a little anthropomorphization (whoo...hard to spell) is okay. Dogs are similar to people, that is why we love them so much..and why they can share our homes. OUR dogs are maybe a little more primal......
Let's not forget that humans can be horrifyingly primal as well.....
True, true & true.
My impression of the Santa dog - Looks like a Holloween photo of a vampire dog in a Santa suit and strait jacket - Poor little doggy is morphed out. :eek: How did you do it Barklessdog?
In photoshop with cut & paste
My family absolutley hated this one of the pigdog
Your family is right…..Pig dog is just not right!! I've never seen a B's tail that curly-Q'd like a pigs tail. Did you do a photo shop fix on that also or does the tail do that on its own?
It's an inside family joke, once we were in upper Michigan at a Lumber Jack festival and a hill billy came up laughing pointing at our dogs tail saying"look at that, that dog has a tail like piggy" and busts up laughing. Our dog who was facing the other way, turned around and looked him square in the eye with a really evil look. It shocked the guy and he just walked away.
Yes his tail is real and it can never uncurl. No one can touch it accept my wife & myself. She trims it no problem.
Speaking of Photowork
Some Xmas Cheer:D
Arti and Willy on Vacation.:D
You are all so talented! Great photoshop work!
Very cute!
Love the reindeer, they really do look like deer!