Ooooh! How sweet - what wonderful close-ups!
awwwwwww…....soooo cute....
Gosh, they ARE getting cuter with each day! Thank you for letting us watch them grow with you!!
I do not remove these claws . In Europe many breedings do not this. My Arti has this claw also. She uses them to holding different things often. Her claws are always naturally short- so she uses them.My English is not good - you understand me???
It still bothers my dog where they removed them. He licks them a lot like they still hurt him. I'm for leaving them on. I didn't get a say in the procedure. I feel bad about it everytime I see him gentley licking them.
Oh!!!! I can't take it! How long is the flight to Poland??? ;)
They are SO adorable!!!:)