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How about a Southeast Georgia B get together?

Basenji Meetups & Events
  • @serenjane:

    We live out of Jacksonville (n.Fla) however I have a son and his family in the Savannah area and wouldn't mind visiting there to meet other B owners and their families.

    We live in Savannah and we'll have to see if we can figure out a way for a meeting. I have never checked out Savannah's dog park and I have read varing reviews about it. Seems like it is fairly small. I can't remember what happened to the discussion about putting one on Tybee Island. I know Ft. Pulaski is dog friendly. We have a reasonably large and fenced back yard but I'd like the dogs to meet on neutral territory. My two haven't been around other dogs other than the ones they were raised with.

    Which side of Jacksonville do you live on? Do they have one there? ( BTW -We used to live in Fruit Cove and my parents lived in Mandarin. My daughter and I sometimes still drive down to Jax to shop.)

    DH has a wierd work schedule and I babysit 2 toddler/preschool grandsons. One of these days soon when our schedules permit, we'll go and explore and see if we can find the dog park. Does your son know anything about it?


  • My son actually lives in Guyton, but is on the road in in W.Va., perhaps my daughter in-law could check into doggie parks around there. We have a nice doggie park within a couple of miles of our home (Orange Park), however I no longer have a membership. I would be willing to see if we could get a visitor membership. It is a great park with a large man made lake, plenty of trees along with swings and benches for the parents.

    We will be out of town 1st week of July and I will be in Atlanta on business July 12-16th. Perhaps an August date?

  • We just moved to Metter and I am in summer classes til the 24th of July, but my weekends are pretty much free. There is a dog park on Tybee Island that was built in the last few years. We definitely need to try and plan a get together at some point. Just let me know!:D

  • Pat, I think I responded earlier to Scarlettsmomma about a meet at Tybee Island. She says there is a dog park there, perhaps we all could meet there.
    I am pretty booked up for July, however August would be good for me. How does that look for you?


  • Scarlettsmom, I think Tybee Island dog park would be great. Could we do this one weekend in August? Perhaps the 9th or 10th? I do not know where it is located but I will find out.
    I believe BasenjiDiva's mom might join us as well. What about it?
    Or course any other Basenji Mom's or Dad's would be welcome.


  • I don't know about the weekend of Aug 9 or 10. I can say for sure that Aug 9 won't be good. We are going on a vacation and won't return until that weekend. However, we may return on Saturday…in which case, Sunday would be okay. I'll let you know as soon as possible about the date.

    We are going to have to research the issue of a dog park at Tybee. I remember reading something in the paper a few weeks ago about the dog park in Tybee. The impression that I got was that the dog park there had been closed and people either wanted it reopened or part of the beach opened to dogs. Admittedly, I didn't give it my indepth attention because I don't generally go out to Tybee that much and I will be the first to admit that I may be mistaken. I'll call around this week and see what I can find out. Scarlett'smomma....Have you been to the park recently?

    Wilma...I also have a son who lives in Guyton. I'll ask him if they have a dog park but Guyton is so small that I'd be really surprised if they do. He's probably going to look at me and say: We're rural. Why do we need a dog park? :D :D :D

    I'll see what I can find out about Tybee.


  • Okay…I Googled for info and they did close the old dog park and in May they supposedly opened a new dog park in a different location on Tybee Island. Here is the site with the info about the new dog park:

    I hope this link works. The info about the dog park is toward the bottom. We'll try to check it out one of these days and I'll let you know about the 10th.


  • You guys just keep me posted and I'll let you guys know if anything changes…there is a good possibility that I will be having surgery sometime between the 24th of July and the 15th of August, not sure when though. They just found polyps in the sinus cavities in my face so they will have to be removed. You guys may have to have one without me first.

    My other concern is Scarlett is a B mix and last vet visit weighed 41 lbs and the small dog park is limited to dogs 20 lbs and under...this may be a problem if your B's are small and she's so big! The large dog park doesn't have a wieght limit, but they try to keep it for the bigger dogs.

    Hopefully we can work something out and get every one together for a play date!

  • Pat,
    I checked the link for the dog park, it says it is open. I think I can find it OK. Just let me know about the date when you can.


  • Ugh! sinus surgery. I hope everything goes well.

    I am afraid SerenJane is too big as well at 30lbs.for the small dog park. I guess it will have to be the big park. Of course that will not bother her she is use to my daughters Siberian Husky as well as a few larger dogs in the neighborhood. Hopefully you can make the play date. Keep us posted.


  • @serenjane:

    Ugh! sinus surgery. I hope everything goes well.

    I am afraid SerenJane is too big as well at 30lbs.for the small dog park. I guess it will have to be the big park. Of course that will not bother her she is use to my daughters Siberian Husky as well as a few larger dogs in the neighborhood. Hopefully you can make the play date. Keep us posted.


    I agree….ugh! I hope it goes well. For now why don't we wait until Scarlettsmomma knows more about when she'll be up to it. Also, I have put the info out to some other GA basenji owners, at least one of whom lives in our neck of the woods.

    Cory is a small basenji and weighs only 17 lbs. Jayden is bigger and is definitely over the 20 lb limit. However, since neither dog has ever played with any other dog other than each other and the dogs they were raised with, I don't know how they would do in an off leash multi-dog situation. Unless I get a chance to see how they'll do between now and the day of the meet up, I'll probably bring the two dogs to meet you all but I don't know that I'll let them loose in the play area. Cory, as Robyn will attest, doesn't care for other females. Since she is little and feisty, I'm afraid that she'll challenge some much bigger dog and will regret it! Little brat!!

    So..Scarletts Momma....keep us informed and maybe we can make more definite plans. Just take care of yourself and get better.


  • If ya'll pick a date that's good for us, we may just have to come down from Atlanta for a weekend in Savannah & meet up with all of you. A 3 day weekend in Savannah or on Tybee would be nice.

  • Ditto. That's definitely on my To Do list, being new to the area and all. And I really wanna see what the dogs make of the beach. I lived an hour or so from the water in CA and never took them. I know, silly.

  • @mauigirl:

    Ditto. That's definitely on my To Do list, being new to the area and all. And I really wanna see what the dogs make of the beach. I lived an hour or so from the water in CA and never took them. I know, silly.

    Unfortunately….dogs on the actual beach at Tybee is a big no-no with a big fine. I think the Tybee website said it is $290. :( I know that has been a big sore point with local residents and it is still something being worked on. I think you have to go up to Hilton Head and maybe down to Jekyll Island to find a place to let the dogs go in the ocean.


  • Whoops…forgot to add this link for those of you from out of town that might be looking for dog friendly places in Savannah. The group that runs the downtown dog park published a list on their site:


  • That's a bummer! Oh well.

  • @mauigirl:

    That's a bummer! Oh well.

    Yep! That's what a lot of people are saying!! I think the fine for running a red light is less than the one for having your dog on the beach. They are trying to convince them to at least designate a section of the beach as a dog beach. I think the renovated dog park was their response.


  • I mentioned the meetup on another group for Georgia basenji owners and I found someone who lives here in Savannah and has been to the Tybee dog park with her dog. She said it wasn't at all crowded when she was there. She also mentioned that Ft. Pulaski (which is near Tybee) is very dog friendly and has a small beach. While the beach is not listed as being a "dog beach" dogs are permitted every where on Ft. Pulaski except for the visitor center so…one would assume that they could go on the beach there. All dogs on Ft. Pulaski must be leashed. According to the website, there are a number of nature trails and wild life, etc. So, you'd at least be able to see how your dog reacts to the ocean. Admission is only a few dollars.


  • Hey guys good news…no surgery for the sinuses, just injections to help reduce the size of the polyps. Anytime after Labor Day is fine for me, weekends only though. Classes at GSU start the 18th of August and no spending money until after my tuition refund check gets here. If we want to start planning a get together with all the guys and girls just let me know if anyone is interested.

  • We will be on vacation from Sept 2nd thru the 12th. I will have house guest until after the 20th, how about the 27th or 28th? Are we still talking about Tybee Island?

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