Good news! Satchel will be removed from the Portsmouth Humane Society tomorrow and I will take him to a BRAT foster mom and Dad about 20 miles from here. The Foster mom was on the phone with them when I got to the Humane Society and told them not to adopt him that BRAT would take him. She told them that she would be able to help him with his aggressive cage problem. His photo is no longer available on the website so I think that is a good sign that I will have no problems picking him up tomorrow.
I went to see him today, he is so handsome. It is probably good that DH would not let me temp foster because I don't think I would have let him leave, he was so sweet. The only time he was aggressive was when they went to put him back into his cage, he was very vicious. I have never seen a dog act like that, it kind of scared me but I know that he is probably scared, it is loud there and no one to love him or cuddle him.
I am so thankful that BRAT is going to find him a good home.