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A little bit of this and that

Behavioral Issues
  • @Quercus:

    If he doesn't like it, he doesn't…

    Yes–that's what I was thinking...none of my Bs have ever liked to give kisses--my german shepherd mix I had a hard time stopping from giving too many kisses. I used to try getting them to give kisses for a treat--but then thought--why try to get them to do something they really don't care to do--especially when there are so many other important behaviors that I need to use treats for to encourage.... so now Zoey gets massages--because she just loves to be rubbed, and I let Tyler give me his very gentle "love bites" where he puts his mouth around my hands to show his affection. Actually--it's more like he opens his mouth and wants me to put my hand in--but absolutely no kisses!

  • I don't know many Basenjis that like being petted with feet (I know lots of other dogs that do)….I am not sure why you would train the dog to like it? If he doesn't like it, he doesn' certainly would be more rewarding for him for you to find some sort of bonding that he likes

    Funny our dogs dont like that either, they dont growl, but think about it- would you want someone rubbing your wonderful fur coat with their stinky sticky feet?

    Our dogs like to come up and sit on your feet and want to be petted with your hands. Maybe that's why they sit in our feet- It's them saying keep them away!

  • Our females gives us gentle little kisses when you come home. It's so sweet. The male sit on the rug- no shameless kissing for him- he is a very proud animal and is disgusted by her behavior.

  • @Barklessdog:

    Funny our dogs dont like that either, they dont growl, but think about it- would you want someone rubbing your wonderful fur coat with their stinky sticky feet?

    Our dogs like to come up and sit on your feet and want to be petted with your hands. Maybe that's why they sit in our feet- It's them saying keep them away!

    Ha! That's it! "i'll hold these things down so they don't put them on me!"

    I actually had a conversation with a friend and dog trainer years ago about petting dogs with feet. Turns out lots of people do this, and lots of dog love it! I laughed out loud at the expression my Bs would give me if I tried to rub my feet on them…they just aren't THAT kind of dog, I believe.... :)

  • @ItsaBushThang:

    Is it expensive?….and if he doesnt stop shedding by late september early-november, I will take him in....

    It is not really expensive… but should be part of general health check up for all Basenjis just as I believe yearly blood work should be....

  • @Barklessdog:

    Our females gives us gentle little kisses when you come home. It's so sweet. The male sit on the rug- no shameless kissing for him- he is a very proud animal and is disgusted by her behavior.

    Isn't licking around the lips (what we call "kisses") a submissive behavior in the pack? I think I've read that the lower level pack members lick around the leader's lips–something to do with the leader being in charge of the "kill"?? Maybe that's why a lot of Bs don't like "giving kisses"? Although Pepper was top dog in our house--she was very, very submissive to me and my boyfriend. Max (our B) on the other hand--was not.

  • regurgitation

    I also saw on a special where the pups lick mom's face which triggers a regurgitation reflex to feed the pups with wild dogs or wolves when they come back to the den.

    I like to think of it as kisses and not she wants me top regurgitate to feed her.

  • Actually our TOPAZ loves loves loves to give kisses :eek: when SHE wants to. My DH has taught her to give kisses on command when he puts his nose down next to her. She loves giving kisses when we come home after a long day & of course when we've eaten something YUMMY :D :D :D

    C3PO hardly ever gives kisses unless you have some kind of lotion he can lick off your face LOL :D :D

    I don't do the feet think so I can't give you any help with that :)

  • Oh well…guess I can stick with the hands-on technique....=P i tried. tho he doesnt quite mind when I play with his tail with my toe......oO weird dog. anyways, thanks everyone for commenting and sharing of thoughts..=]
    -b-boy walli

  • @Barklessdog:


    I also saw on a special where the pups lick mom's face which triggers a regurgitation reflex to feed the pups with wild dogs or wolves when they come back to the den.

    I like to think of it as kisses and not she wants me top regurgitate to feed her.

    It is more like nudging the throat area then licking… Maggii's pups did that once to her and she was so pissed that it worked and she regurgated... :mad: It never happened again... Mickii on the other hand was happy to do it for her pups... yck.....

  • Sounds like that is his personality. No different than my beagle/dalmation mix who does not like to have his feet touched. If he doesn't like it, let him not like it. My cat does the same thing now that I think of it. She'll plop herself on my foot and as soon as I touch her with my other foot she takes off.

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