Who has a basenji colony?
I am curious, who has the largest number of basenjis residing in their home? I know several of you seem to have tons of them.
Please post your pack size, names, age, color and photos if possible.
Also, please comment on this thought:
When I had 4 cats and 2 dogs in my home I found that the intimacy in the relationship was somehow lost in the sheer numbers of the family.
We have six:
Querk - 8 red
Ivy - 6 yrs tri
Blondie - 5 yrs red
Bella - 4 yrs red
Luna - 2 yrs red
Ariel - six months brindleAnd yes, I do think some intimacy is lost in the relationship with each dog when you have so many. But, I think what they lack in their relationships with humans, they gain in their relationships with the other dogs. I also think that less training occurs by the human and more by the other dogs when you have so many. I never have to worry about entertaining them…and they are usually too busy with each other to destroy stuff....though sometimes they still do.
I try to make sure that each dog gets some personal time though. Often it is a long walk in the park, or a weekend at a dog show, or a special training class...or sometimes just some one on one snuggle time.
At some point, when showing/breeding time is over for some of the younger girls, we may look at rehoming them in a home where they can be the queen bee. This is the main sticking point I have with becoming an active breeder though...it is really hard for me to think about sending some of my heart away to live with someone else :(
At some point, when showing/breeding time is over for some of the younger girls, we may look at rehoming them in a home where they can be the queen bee. This is the main sticking point I have with becoming an active breeder though…it is really hard for me to think about sending some of my heart away to live with someone else :(
This is why I breed infrequently. I would rather work my dogs in multiple venues well into old age than just keep moving on to a "newer model". So I breed only once every few years and know that I am limited by how many I think it is fair to have at home. When I first thought about breeding I hadn't really thought about having 2 litters from the same girl and now I have 2 that are closer in age which is great for their bonding but we will have to see how full it makes my house down the road.
Right now we have 4
Nicky, 9 year old, red/white
Rally, 6 year old, black/white
Rio, 2 year old, red/white
Sophie, 6 month old, black/white -
Yep, in retrospect, I wish our situation would have worked out more like yours (that was the original plan, get one nice bitch and eventually breed her)…but for various reasons it didn't. So we work with what we have...
Yep, you have to make lemonade out of lemons.
I am sure you will find the right path for you. Sometimes we find it just takes longer to get where we thought we wanted to be.
Max 6 years, r/w male
Cleo 5 years Brindle female
Penny 3 years r/w femaleRaven 3 years b/w female
Willy 1 year b/w male
Jasper 1 year brindle male
All six of our's can't be together, 4 youngest stay in one pack and 2 oldest in a mini pack. I honestly wish they'd all be able to be together…..but it just can't be.
We are not breeeders, my wife does show two of ours(Willy and Jasper) they where bought as show dogs/pets, Raven is a retired show B. and was bought to show as well. Max, Cleo and Penny where bought as strictly pets.I do think they learn from each other in such numbers, we often say Penny was raised by the B's and not us......I don't know if that's always good.....she's not our best listener.:D
My wife and I and my Son's 21 and 27 all are involved with the B's so we have plenty of people for them to interact with.....someone's always here...........................or I wouldn't have six.
I do think something is lost with the intimacy in these numbers and we make it a point to make sure no one's slighted.:) -
I have had up to 6, but now 4…
Maggii - 15 3/4
OJ - 15 3/4
Mickii - 14 1/2
Kristii 12 1/2 (and she is Maggii's daugher)I had Fatia (Mickii's daughter) but she hated Maggii and since I am not set up to run packs, nor do I have the desire to... when she had her litter the perfect home come up... she was placed with one of her pups.. and it has been the best thing for everyone. While I missed her terrible at first... she is the Queen with her daughter as the Princess... so it was the best choice. I had Jamari till he was 4... when he really decided that he didn't like being a pack dog and sharing with my oldest male, OJ... we again got lucky and found the perfect home with someone that had a Parson Russell Terrier, so he was neutered and placed... again, it was the perfect situation....
I know that I will be losing the old kids one of these days and at that time I will bring in a couple of pups... for now, my young ones are co-owned
Is there a story behind the double i's at the end of the dogs' names?
Or is that just how you like it? It's kind of different~:D There is sort of a story with the double ii…. it comes from their breeder Ken and Marilyn Leighton... Marilyn loved the double ii in the names... (call names typically, not the registered ones in most cases)... and anyone showing knew that it was a Leighton bred basenji with the "ii"
Baron - 11 year old red male
Logan - 11 year old red male, Baron's littermate
Pippin - 9 year old red female, full sibling to the above males
Bindi - 1 1/2 year old tri female
Cory - 6 month red female
Jozie - 4 month red female
and Jozie's 2 red brothersCory and the 2 red boy babies will be rehomed soon and I will be down to 5 dogs, the lowest number I will have had in 16 years. :D