Remember, a tired Basenji is a good Basenji… and also it is much harder to introduce a puppy to olders in the house... I would guess while you think he is "after" them... he just wants to play... you have to that that position... if they don't want to play with him.... Puppies play hard... usually adults will correct wild childs play... but they still need an outlet for all their built up energy...
Introducing Brutus
Hi all, Brutus and I are new here. Brutus is a good dog but has some problems I hope you all can help me with.
![0_1637693971596_Brutus.jpg](Uploading 100%)
Not sure if the image uploaded or not.
@mbr77 said in Introducing Brutus:
Not sure if the image uploaded or not.
If you can't see it, it didn't upload. Typical problem is too large a file. Or choosing to click the wrong icon. You want the one second from the right if the picture is on your computer.
I'm getting a message saying the pic is too big. Do you know what the size limit is? Thanks.
Not sure of the size limit, there used to be information about this but I can't find it. I typically downsize to 800 x 600 pixels, 75% quality, and that works well. Size is usually under 100 kb.