Throwing Up
Hello everyone. I am new to this forum and I am a first time "B" owner. I have had her for a week now and I am absolutely in love with her. But let me get to the point. I feed her twice a day morning and night. Since I have had her she has thrown up 3 or 4 of her meals. I don't believe that its the whole meal but its a good portion. I have recently given her a raw egg in her dinner and she doesn't throw-up when I give her the egg.
I am wondering if this is something I should be concerned about? She is our new baby and I want to make sure that she is happy and healthy. Any suggestions?
How old is she? Has she had a vet check up? If so, when? Has she had her shots yet? If so what and when? Is this different food than what she was use to before you got her? Changing food can often cause lots of tummy upset. Depending on her age you might want to make 3 meals… and do you know how much she was eating? Vomiting is always a concern as it leads to dehydration
Thank you for your response. She is 2 years old. She was just checked out by a vet before we adopted her last week. The vet says that she is in good health. She is a "B" mix (mostly "B" though) and is a little bigger, she is about 40lbs. I feed her 1 1/2 cups each meal. This was the recommendation from the rescue I got her from. She doesn't always eat all her food right away, sometimes she spreads the meal across a few hours. She doesn't drink and excessive amount of water, but she does have a healthy drinking appetite. She always has plenty of energy and is super happy. but I am wondering why she doesn't throw-up when I mix the egg into her meal.
I would doubt that the egg has anything to do with it…. I would decrease the food and if she doesn't eat it within 10/15 minutes pick up what is not eaten.... I don't believe in free feeding, as I don't think it is health for dogs... they are not grazing animals and are not really designed for all day eating. I would see if that helps.
I agree. Leaving the food out all day isn't a good idea because, unlike us, dogs don't receive the signal telling them that they are full. What usually happens is a dog will eat and eat and become overweight. Don't worry if she doesn't eat right away the first couple of times, she won't starve herself. She will learn if she doesn't eat right away the food won't be there. Also, at 40 lbs you might want to consider feeding her 1 cup twice a day. At 2 years old her metabolism might be slowing down and she doesn't need to eat that much food. Rascal, our mix, is around 39 lbs and thats what I do for her. Hope that helps.
I too agree. I think she's eating too much. Just for an example, my boxer gets four cups-but she's extremely active and is 18 mos. My heeler who is approx 55 lbs isn't as active and only gets about 1 and a half cups a day. And she's pretty heavy still. Like pat said if they don't eat within 10-15 min. pick it up.
Thank you for all the great advise. I have changed her to one cup in the morning and one cup at night. I am still putting and egg in and she eats everything right away. I haven't had her throw-up in about 3 meals now so I would say that I am on a roll.
I will keep my fingers crossed. :)
No, she seems happy and healthy.
Lately Chance has been throwing up too. I cant figure this out. Some mornings right before I get up he starts making those gagging sounds so I rush him to the bathroom. Just today after taking him outside to potty he started making those sounds again. Thank god he is loud. It gives me time to grab a bowl and set it down right in front of him (less mess)
Is this normal??? His puke ranges from liquid to his food. We feed him 3 times a day and it is measured out. Nothing in his diet has changed and he hasn't gotten into anything.
Hhhhmmmm -
Lately Chance has been throwing up too. I cant figure this out. Some mornings right before I get up he starts making those gagging sounds so I rush him to the bathroom. Just today after taking him outside to potty he started making those sounds again. Thank god he is loud. It gives me time to grab a bowl and set it down right in front of him (less mess)
Is this normal??? His puke ranges from liquid to his food. We feed him 3 times a day and it is measured out. Nothing in his diet has changed and he hasn't gotten into anything.
HhhhmmmmIs his eating habits still normal? How long has this been going on? Liquid I would guess is just bile in the gut.. however, how long after he eats does he throw up food? I also think he is old enough to be on 2 meals a day…
I ran out of eggs yesterday, so she didn't get any with her dinner last night. When I woke up this morning she was heaving, a couple mins later she threw-up her dinner from the night before. She seemed just fine afterwards though. So I didn't give her breakfast this morning, I am going to get some eggs on the way home from lunch and give her, her food then. I am still confused about the egg thing. -
What kind of food are you feeding her?? The egg may be coating the food and that's why she isn't throwing up when she eats it with egg. You may need to change her food again. Also How many times a day is she pooping and how is her poop. (gross thoughts, I know)
Is his eating habits still normal? How long has this been going on? Liquid I would guess is just bile in the gut.. however, how long after he eats does he throw up food? I also think he is old enough to be on 2 meals a day…
We have been feeding Chance 1/2 cup 3 times a day. I was thinking that it was about time to cut back to 2 times a day since he is 6mts now. The vet said his weight is purfect and he isn't tubby. He said it was fine to keep doing that. What do you think. 1 cup 2times a day from now on?As for the throwing up…it's not after he eats. Honestly...its usually first thing in the morning before he even eats breakfast. After he pukes, he eats his food like nothing happened. Yesterday he puked a few hrs after lunch. He still had food in his bowl then ate somemore. It doesn't happen all the time. If I had to give a time amount...maybee 1-2 times a month. Sometimes the consistency is food but then can sometimes be liquid. Especially if it is first thing in the morning. I believe the morning puke is bile which is tough as heck to get out of the carpet!
Chance's puking is what I would say is normal for a Basenji. If Shadow or Sugar get an empty stomach they puke too. What times are you feeding him? A lot of B's puke when they get an empty stomach.
I didin't know that they would puke on an empty stomach. Ha! He is really good about staying in the same place when he gets sick. Im able to stick a bowl under him to get the mess.
Thanks nomrbddgs -
My best friend has worked at a vet for years and here is what she has always told me…..if your pet throws up more than 3x in one day, take it to the vet.
if it doesnt, wait and watch....flourescent vomit is usually from chewing up grass. No biggie. They will try to re-eat it.
eating grass in the yard with cause them to immediately throw up, sometimes they eat grass to make themselves throw up (bad to do, giardia can be caught this way if they are eating grass that has been peed on by another animal)
arizona, I would stop with the eggs and start feeding boiled chicken. If you want to throw an egg with the chicken, it shouldnt matter. If your pup handles the boiled chicken without throwing up, maybe it is the food you have been using.
If it isnt the chicken and throwup continues, it could be something going on with your pup....
The best thing to do is try to elimanate outside influences first to narrow down your possibilities.
what are you using for food?