What is the best weight for my Basenji?
My baby girl is 1yr. 4mos. and she weighs between 21-22lbs most of the time. She is rather tall for a girl I think and is a perfect size, she has the waist and tuck up. My hubby says he can see her ribs but we had rather have her no more than 22 lbs. b/c they are prone to hip problems. I only see her ribs when like you say she is running, and boy does she like to run. I think I am going to get her into lure coursing. I feed her half cup of dry & half cup of wet mixed, twice a day. She has treats almost every day but only chews like bully sticks, wishbones, and some rawhide from Merricks. She is not a big eater, there are days she hardly eats at all.
Actually, Basenjis are not prone to hip problems. And even one who has hip dysplasia is unlikely to show any symptoms because they are so light (compared to most breeds with HD problems) and their musculature is normally so good.
It is a good idea to keep them lean…but you don't need to do it for fear of hip problems.
My baby girl is 1yr. 4mos. and she weighs between 21-22lbs most of the time. She is rather tall for a girl I think and is a perfect size, she has the waist and tuck up. My hubby says he can see her ribs but we had rather have her no more than 22 lbs. b/c they are prone to hip problems. I only see her ribs when like you say she is running, and boy does she like to run. I think I am going to get her into lure coursing. I feed her half cup of dry & half cup of wet mixed, twice a day. She has treats almost every day but only chews like bully sticks, wishbones, and some rawhide from Merricks. She is not a big eater, there are days she hardly eats at all.
Basenjis are NOT prone to hip problems, while it is a small concern, thankfully responsible breeders have been getting their dogs OFA'ed and therefore keeping the problem small… not that we don't have to test for it... because there is some HD in a couple of Basenji bloodlines, but because most breeders are being responsible, we can keep a handle on HD.
My Bella does have a luxating patella. I guess in this situation… it would be best to keep her on the lean side.
My Bella does have a luxating patella. I guess in this situation… it would be best to keep her on the lean side.
I don't know how weight effect patellas, but it certainly couldn't hurt to keep her on the lean side.
My Bella does have a luxating patella. I guess in this situation… it would be best to keep her on the lean side.
Yes, keeping them lean does help…. luxating patella's are not something the breed is prone to, like toys dogs, but again something breeders need to be testing for...........
Yes, the patella is one of the reasons I decided not to breed her…
Yes, the patella is one of the reasons I decided not to breed her…
And that is a very responsible decision…...
Our little piggy is 26 pounds!!!!
She is a big girl and could use to loose some weight. It's that Akin's Baby Bunny diet. She get 1/2 a cup in the morning and at dinner of dry food only!
Jabba The Basenji
I think she spends most her life on her back!
Gipper's last weigh in, which was a few months ago, was at a rock-solid 32 pounds! He's not fat, though. He still has a well defined waist, as well as ribs that can be felt when he's standing still, and gets plenty of exercise. I'll try to get some recent pics up soon- he looks as if he's a body-building Basenji! He's really muscular, and I think he's closer to 18-20 ins. at the shoulder, rather than the typical 15-17. He's a big boy, for sure.