That’s genius! Simple, yet effective. Thanks for the idea.
I’m not sure if he would or wouldn’t damage anything if I just left him out. I leave him in my truck a lot for 20-30 minutes at a time without any issues. But, unsure if he would do any damage or not if left hours at a time. The couple of times he escaped there were food items out, lots of things for him to destroy and yet he only targeted a select few of “his” items, none of my items were ripped up, otherwise the damage was from him trying to ‘escape’.
It could be absolutely as you say and that the more he gets built up the more damage he is likely to do….as opposed to just letting him sleep on a bed all day. If it were my own place I would experiment with leaving him out, but trying to avoid paying a lot of damage expenses on this rented place + the notion of him getting into something dangerous is not far from my mind.
I know your Oakley has caused you much more ‘anxiety’ with his eating habits than my Beo has caused me. Beo has been pretty good to me considering the circumstances. At the end of the day I’m worried he’ll hurt himself. I’m sure you know the feeling…I feel like I can’t go anywhere without certainty that he’s going to be ok. Getting a part time job is out the window until I get this straightened out. It’s a little frustrating.
He just turned two years old, so he should be well settled into his habits. Before the move I could leave him for hours at a time, in the ex-pen, without issue….but we also had a hardwood floor. He would sometimes cry for a short time, but he would never attempt to escape on this level. This is probably the most damage he’s done and that’s why it’s been such a surprise.
I’m still uncertain that there isn’t some level of separation anxiety; however, he doesn’t hurt himself, he doesn’t defecate or urinate while I’m gone, I never come home to hear him screaming or crying with vigor, he will eat the ‘good’ things I leave. The times he has managed not to escape I usually come in to just see him sitting on his bed….stuffing pulled out of course. But, he’s not panting or acting “anxious”. He’s not a velcro dog, and doesn’t follow me around all the time….I can be out of the room and he could care less most of the time. …until you throw the ex pen into the mix.
He gets lots of exercise – long and short walks, plays with the roommate’s dog, trips to the pet stores, car rides, trips to the dog park, nose games, toys. …I think what frustrates me the most is that I leave him with interactive toys, chews, bullysticks and the only thing that he bothers with is the frozen bone I leave with him.. well….the bone and the kleenex, and he pulls down the toys I hang up on his pen wall. But everything else is basically untouched and covered with a mountain of fluffies.
I wish I didn’t have to confine him – my dream house will have a huge yard with a dog safe room – a window for them to look out of. But, at the moment, I don’t have many options.
The camera idea is a good one, thanks for the suggestion.