• Today Oakley has been in a very funny mood. His intensity has kicked up a few notches, he isn't sitting still/ restless and he has nudged and licked me…is it breeding season?? Anyone's else male basenjis acting funny yet!?

  • My boy has been a bit weird today - but he's a neuter…can they be affected too?

  • Yup! Tucker is going bonkers…...trying to breed with Becca (she's fixed) oh and hubby is getting some special attention too. I am looking forward for his next teeth cleaning because we will neuter him then when he is under anesthetic, i'm hoping it takes him down a couple notches.

  • Oakley is neutered, has been since 10 months old (he's 33 months old tomorrow)..every year he gets funny but this year just seems/feels early which is why I wanted to see if anyone else is seeing signs of the season. At first I was worried he wasn't feeling well bc he was off but now I'm starting to feel its rut related

  • I will say the DAP helped when I had an intact male and an in season female.

  • Neutered or not doesn't change the "time of season"…. Neutered Basenji males are well aware of the time of year.

  • So it's not out of the realm to think its season related?

  • Oakleys still going strong this year in terms of funny breeding season related behaviors. It's actually driving me quite nuts. When should it start to quiet down?? I highly suspect a female in heat is around the neighborhood but either way; he's a basket case

  • It will quiet down when his "brain" says breeding season is over… could be soon, could be lots longer... sorry to say

  • Lmao….I'm for sure screwed then!

  • Magnum, almost 10 years old, neutered at 3 years old, shows no sign of recognizing breeding season (and never has, even before neutering). Maybe there are/have been no in-heat females in the vicinity? He is awfully laid-back for a B…I'll consider myself lucky!

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