Hey. I have my first Basenji and the diggs crate is great but I must admit it is heavy and bulky to take up and down the stairs. I had to buy an additional crate for travel because it was becoming too much. If you were looking for something to travel with I definitely wouldn’t recommend it especially because it is expensive. My puppy loves it though since he can see everything from it but you could get that from another crate.
Plz help- will pee in his crate when locked!
i just recently got my B, and the first night i had him,
i locked him up into his crate, said goodnite and went to sleep,
10 minutes later, i come into the room and find him in his own pee and poo,
with his paws between the wires of the carte!!!:eek:any suggestions on good behavior for this???
thank you!!:)
When you have a new puppy, there is an adjustment period… first, I keep their crates in my bedroom so that if a pup needs to go out, I am able to hear them and get them up and out... Also, did you make sure that he pottied first? Had he ever been in a crate?... They don't just take to coming into a new home and then being locked in a crate without some "crate training"....