I have tried to put him in the backyard a few times but as long as he knows someone is inside, he will continue. As for the walking, it works until we get back home. I have even tried having him meet guests outside before coming in and it still didn't work. He is a shelter dog and I'm almost positive he's just trying to protect his home and us because he's never had someone who actually cared about him; plus we really don't get guests too often so it's just taking twice as long for him to understand.
Plz help- will pee in his crate when locked!
i just recently got my B, and the first night i had him,
i locked him up into his crate, said goodnite and went to sleep,
10 minutes later, i come into the room and find him in his own pee and poo,
with his paws between the wires of the carte!!!:eek:any suggestions on good behavior for this???
thank you!!:)
When you have a new puppy, there is an adjustment period… first, I keep their crates in my bedroom so that if a pup needs to go out, I am able to hear them and get them up and out... Also, did you make sure that he pottied first? Had he ever been in a crate?... They don't just take to coming into a new home and then being locked in a crate without some "crate training"....